Every so often I put out a call on Facebook to Ask Me Anything. Below are some of the questions and my answers. Do you live in a state that has legalized medical marijuana and if so have you tried it? Unfortunately, I do not live in a state that has legalized medical (or any) marijuana. … [Read more...]
Medications for Fibromyalgia
These posts contain information on various medications used for Fibromyalgia and other related conditions. Some posts discuss medications I have personally taken, their side effects, successes, and failures.
Medications for Fibromyalgia: Too Many Don’t Work
Too many medications for fibromyalgia just don't work. There are so many medications for fibromyalgia, and while they all work for a small percentage of those living with the illness, too many don't work for the vast majority of those living with fibromyalgia. For all that the drugs have … [Read more...]
The Slow Death of Compassion For the Chronically Ill
In "The Slow Death of Compassion for the Chronically Ill," Ken McKim makes several excellent points, about the lack of compassion towards those with chronic illness. It's not too long (30 minutes) and definitely worth watching and sharing, especially with those who question your illnesses, or … [Read more...]
Treatment with Memantine for Fibromyalgia
Memantine for Fibromyalgia Recent studies have been looking at how the drug Mementine, currently used to treat Alzheimer's, may help those with fibromyalgia. Let's take a look at what this drug is, and how it works. Glutamate and Fibromyalgia Things to know: Glutamate is the most … [Read more...]
What’s a Migraine Cocktail?
What's in a Migraine Cocktail? A migraine cocktail isn't a drink. Although, if you know of a drink that will take away a migraine please share it in the comments. A migraine cocktail is a mixture of medications that when taken together can greatly reduce or eliminate a migraine. If you've … [Read more...]
The Vital Plan for Chronic Illness
What would make me add 24 pills a day to my already heavy daily pill regime? Finding a protocol that works, that's what. And, Vital Plan Restore Kit is that protocol when it comes to Fibromyalgia, Lyme, & CFS/ME. The Vital Plan Restore Kit was created by Dr. Bill Rawls, a doctor who … [Read more...]
5 Great Strides Being Made in the Field of Health Science for Chronic Pain Management
5 Great Strides Being Made in the Field of Health Science for Chronic Pain Management Managing chronic pain is one of the major challenges faced by millions of people every day. Many face the unfortunate possibility that they may spend the rest of their lives dealing with the same pain day in … [Read more...]
Why I’m Quitting Amitriptyline for Fibromyalgia
Why I’m Quitting Amitriptyline for Fibromyalgia guest post by Boni Wagner-Stafford I woke up this morning much sooner than I’d really like. Just ninety minutes after the last time I got up to pee and six hours after getting into bed. I’m best on between eight and nine hours’ sleep each … [Read more...]
Intravenous Meds for Chronic Pain
Generally when we think of pain meds for fibromyalgia we think of pills, and typically we think of opioids (because they are all the rage and all the news of late). But, there are more options in the sea than just pills, including several intravenous medications that are now being used to treat … [Read more...]
PillSuite Makes Taking Meds Easier
A couple of years ago I posted about PillPack. It was something I couldn't quite wrap my head around trying because my pills change too often. Yet, I've stayed enamored with the idea of having my pills in nice little sealed baggies so that I can grab them and go. If I could just make my own, I … [Read more...]