Being open about your chronic illness can often be as difficult as coming out of the closet about your sexuality. In both cases, you rightfully worry that you will be judged, that you won't be accepted, and that opportunities may be taken away from you. Chronic Mom shared a great post about … [Read more...]
Living with Fibromyalgia
This category covers all things fibromyalgia. My experience living with fibromyalgia. Advice on coping with fibromyalgia. Medical studies about fibromyalgia. My life and experience living with fibromyalgia since 2010, and my advice on how to cope with fibromyalgia.
Signs & Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
The Fibromyalgia Treatments That Have Helped Me Most
More Common Questions About Fibromyalgia
Check out the articles below for more fibromyalgia topics.
5 Tips for Handling Toxic Relationships
We all have people around us that give both positive and negative energy. Some take any energy they can find and absorb it into themselves. These relationships can become toxic, especially when you are already dealing with limited energy. Thankfully, while there are several types of negative … [Read more...]
9 reasons your health may not be improving
Sometimes without really knowing it we are doing things that are holding us back and prevent us from feeling better. We could be improving but we don't because we make specific choices, often without realizing it. These night actions may be keeping your health from … [Read more...]
Can MBSR help fibromyalgia?
Can MBSR help fibromyalgia? After years of being interested in mindfulness and meditation, I finally signed up for a mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) course in 2017. I'd only recently learned what MBSR was from reading The Whole Health Life by Shannon Harvey, which talks about the … [Read more...]
We’ve Got Awareness, Now It’s Time for Advocacy
It's time to stop focusing on fibromyalgia awareness and start focusing on fibromyalgia advocacy. We've fought so long for fibromyalgia awareness. It's been a struggle just to get people to understand that fibromyalgia is REAL and it is debilitating and life-ending in so many ways. I believe we … [Read more...]
Progesterone and Fibromyalgia
I’ve been on some form of progesterone since 2013 following my second laparoscopy for endometriosis. It helped with the endometriosis symptoms moderately, but I’m realizing now that progesterone likely helped with much more than that, and played a large role in keeping my fibromyalgia symptoms at … [Read more...]
Myofascial Pain and Fibromyalgia
Myofascial pain feels a lot like muscle pain, chances are you may not be able to tell the difference. But, there is a difference. Myofascial pain isn't caused by tight muscles, but rather by tight fascia. Fascia is the layer of tissue just underneath the skin, between the skin and the … [Read more...]
What You Need to Know About Fibro Flares
A fibro flare is a flare of symptoms that can occur at any time and can last for any duration. You may wake up feeling just fine but at mid-day suddenly feel as if you've been hit by a freight train. That feeling may last until you get a good night's sleep or it may continue for days or weeks. A … [Read more...]
CBD for Fibro Relief
If you've been around my blog much at all you know I'm a huge fan of CBD oil. I've continued to use CBD oil nightly since I first tried it about two years ago and finally started sleeping easily and well throughout the night. CBD oil tincture is primarily what I use, but I also use topical … [Read more...]
Review: Vital Plan Select CBD oil products
New CBD products are popping up everywhere, and it's a welcome sight for those of us with chronic pain, sleep issues, anxiety, and many other ailments. CBD is one of the two key parts of the marijuana plant, but is thanks to a recent change in the laws and regulations around the hemp plant, hemp is … [Read more...]