More and more studies are coming out showing that there may be a genetic link in fibromyalgia. If you are a female with a parent who has fibromyalgia, there is up to a 70% likelihood that you will also be diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I have fibromyalgia. My mom has fibromyalgia. My aunt has … [Read more...]
Medical Studies
These posts review various medical studies related to the treatment and diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and other chronic illnesses.
Do People With Fibromyalgia Fall More?
Do you find that you fall down more with fibromyalgia? Do you bump into things as you walk? Feel unsteady and as if you no longer have good balance? You aren't alone. A 2013 study found that the majority of people with fibromyalgia report falling. This 2013 study followed 18 people with … [Read more...]
Fibromyalgia and sexual dysfunction
Sexual dysfunction, including pain during and after sex, vaginal dryness, inability to achieve or maintain arousal, and inability to orgasm, is common among women with fibromyalgia. More than 85% of women with fibromyalgia report one or more issues relating to sexual dysfunction (while only about … [Read more...]
What’s a Migraine Cocktail?
What's in a Migraine Cocktail? A migraine cocktail isn't a drink. Although, if you know of a drink that will take away a migraine please share it in the comments. A migraine cocktail is a mixture of medications that when taken together can greatly reduce or eliminate a migraine. If you've … [Read more...]
Light Sensitivity and Fibromyalgia and migraines
Light Sensitivity and Fibromyalgia Are you sensitive to light? For many of us with Fibromyalgia, light sensitivity is just one of the issues that plagues us. There aren't many studies that look at this, but what little I have been able to find seems to make a solid connection between light … [Read more...]
Generalized hyper-vigilance and Fibromyalgia
Generalized Hyper-Vigilance and Fibromyalgia Generalized Hyper-vigilance is the medical term for the subjective feeling of over-stimulation by stimuli, including light, noise, smell and touch. Fibromyalgia is characterized by chronic pain, including an over-sensitivity to non-painful … [Read more...]
Are sleep issues at the root of many Fibromyalgia symptoms?
Could sleep deprivation be a root cause for many fibromyalgia symptoms? While sleep issues are a fact of life for most of us with Fibromyalgia, sleep studies are still not commonly provided. And, often, even when they are they provide little helpful information. The lucky few find that they … [Read more...]
Relieving Pain with Far Infrared Technology
Relieving Pain with Far Infrared Technology Do you feel better when you are comfortably warm? I do. How about when you are sitting in the warm rays of the sun? There’s a reason cats always find the sunny spot to lay in, even when they are indoors. They’ve got it figured out. Those warm rays of the … [Read more...]
Fibromyalgia and Vitamin D
Fibromyalgia and Vitamin D "You should take more Vitamin D." It was a statement from my brother in the early days of my illness. I was already taking Vitamin D... and no matter what I said, he told me I should take more. He meant well. Somewhere in his efforts to be a great brother (and he is) … [Read more...]
What you should know about the fibromyalgia blood test
What I Learned About The Fibromyalgia Blood Test It's been a few years since I shared the news that there is a blood test for fibromyalgia. I was doubtful then if there was a point in having the test, and my thoughts really haven't changed much. At the moment having a positive result on a … [Read more...]