What do you do when your partner is struggling with chronic illness and pushing you away? In order to understand what you need to do, you have to first understand what your partner really needs, and what they are really asking for when they push you away. The following question came via email … [Read more...]
Fibromyalgia and sexual dysfunction
Sexual dysfunction, including pain during and after sex, vaginal dryness, inability to achieve or maintain arousal, and inability to orgasm, is common among women with fibromyalgia. More than 85% of women with fibromyalgia report one or more issues relating to sexual dysfunction (while only about … [Read more...]
The Impact of Chronic Illness on Marriage
Unless you were already sick before you met your partner, it's highly likely that your relationship took a drastic change when you became ill. Perhaps you had a great sex life, you went out often and did lots of things together, you traveled, you enjoyed life. I know that's how it was with my … [Read more...]
When Your Partner is Struggling with Chronic Illness and Pushing You Away
The below came from an email sent to me by a reader. After I answered his email I realized that he's so not alone and that my response might be helpful for many other partner's of those with chronic illness, so I asked his permission to share his question. "My wife suffers from chronic illness. … [Read more...]
What Do You Know About Endometriosis?
I'm a little late for Endometriosis Awareness Month (March), but if you follow my blog and especially if you get my newsletters you know that I'm more than Aware of Endometriosis. Just a little over a month ago I had my third surgery for Endometriosis (and yes they've removed stuff every time … [Read more...]
How Chronic Pain Affects Sex in New Relationships
Chronic illness affects sex in relationships. The sad truth of the matter is that sexual dysfunction is almost the norm for those of us with Fibromyalgia, and for many other chronic illnesses. There are a lot of differences, though, between chronic pain hitting existing established relationships and … [Read more...]
Fibromyalgia and Sex: The Unspoken Reality
Fibromyalgia and Sex the unspoken reality Sex. It's not a dirty word, yet it's a topic that we seem to want to avoid, instead of deal with. We ignore it and try to pretend that the giant purple elephant is not in the room. When I talk to friends with Fibromyalgia, the topic of sex rarely comes up, … [Read more...]
Fibromyalgia and Pelvic Pain
So, I ran across this post in my email this morning. Not much info there, other than to say that chronic pelvic pain is another co-existing condition we may run into with Fibro. What she doesn't mention is one of the main causes of chronic pelvic pain that often goes undiagnosed.... Endometriosis. … [Read more...]
Helping your spouse understand Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia and Marriage: Helping your spouse understand Helping your spouse understand your needs will go a long way to making your life easier and less stressful when living with fibromyalgia. Being sick, I felt like I shouldn't constantly tell him how I really feel, that he didn't … [Read more...]