We all have people around us that give both positive and negative energy. Some take any energy they can find and absorb it into themselves. These relationships can become toxic, especially when you are already dealing with limited energy. Thankfully, while there are several types of negative … [Read more...]
Extra Spoons and Inspiration
These posts contain little tips and inspiration to help you gain an "extra spoon" or two. Many with invisible illness call themselves "spoonies" in reference to The Spoon Theory by Christine Miserandino. The idea is that we equate our energy levels to spoons, when our energy levels are low, we need spoons. These posts are meant to help you increase your energy (whether mental or physical), and therefore your spoons.
9 reasons your health may not be improving
Sometimes without really knowing it we are doing things that are holding us back and prevent us from feeling better. We could be improving but we don't because we make specific choices, often without realizing it. These night actions may be keeping your health from … [Read more...]
Facing Fear with Chronic Illness
Chronic illness can create a life of fear, as if there wasn't enough fear in your life already. For me, when chronic illness entered the mix, a whole new set of fears were created. Suddenly, I was afraid to do anything. I was afraid of over-doing it. I was afraid of going out, and … [Read more...]
How living in an RV with a chronic illness is simplifying my life
The last couple of years have been all about simplifying life. So, why would I seemingly make things difficult by choosing to live in an RV with chronic illness? How does life in an RV, when you are chronically ill, equate to a more simple life? How does any life in an RV make things more … [Read more...]
Are you wishing your life away?
Do you ever find yourself wishing your life away? Constantly thinking if I can just get to the weekend, or just get through this month, or get past this or that, things will get better? It's a terrible place to be isn't it? This is something I've been struggling with lately as I've dealt with all … [Read more...]
How musician Dan Reynolds deals with a Monster Pain in the AS
Celebrities are just like us is a truth that we often forget… and sometimes they do as well, but not Dan Reynolds, lead singer for Imagine Dragons. Dan hasn’t forgotten the struggles that he’s gone through to get where he is, because in many ways they aren’t over. It’s difficult for me to think of … [Read more...]
What it means to Let Go
I often struggle with letting go. Letting go of things, letting go of feelings, letting go of attachments. This past year I've let go of a lot of physical things, as I've worked to minimize my possessions. But, in other areas I've not been so good at letting go. The last few weeks I've felt stuck … [Read more...]
Does Anger Increase Pain?
Does anger increase pain? It always amazes me that they do studies to prove what (to me) seems obvious. Those of us with the chronic pain of fibromyalgia already know that the stress of negative emotions like anger increases pain. Anger increases pain. Stress increases pain. Anger increases … [Read more...]
Chronic illness does not mean you are a failure: You are a success story
Chronic Illness does not mean you are failure Originally published on Prohealth Inspiration Corner There are many ways to gauge success. My view of success has always been a little different than most. Perhaps it’s because of how I was raised, or perhaps it’s just something in how I see the … [Read more...]
10 Things people with chronic illness need to know
10 things People with fibromyalgia need to know Living with chronic illness has often caused me to doubt myself. In the early days with fibromyalgia I looked in the mirror and at times I hated myself. I blamed myself for my illness and pain. I said terrible things about myself that I'd never … [Read more...]