CBD Oil for Sleep Despite all of the improvements I've made over the last decade, sleep continued to be the one area I had the most trouble. I tried so many things, many of them helped for a while, but invariably it seemed like once my body got used to whatever supplement I was taking … [Read more...]
8 Tips for Dealing with Fibromyalgia
Over the years, I've had many people ask for my top tips for dealing with Fibromyalgia. These 7 tips are the tips I typically share. They are what has helped me. And, while the specifics will likely vary from individual to individual, the basics are the same and I hope you find these tips helpful … [Read more...]
8 Natural Treatments for Insomnia
Insomnia is one of the primary issues with many chronic illnesses, including fibromyalgia. I’ve lived with insomnia for most of the last decade and at time it’s felt like I’ve tried everything. Some studies show that sleep issues may be a cause as much as a symptom, when it comes to … [Read more...]
CBD for Fibro Relief
If you've been around my blog much at all you know I'm a huge fan of CBD oil. I've continued to use CBD oil nightly since I first tried it about two years ago and finally started sleeping easily and well throughout the night. CBD oil tincture is primarily what I use, but I also use topical … [Read more...]
Review: Vital Plan Select CBD oil products
New CBD products are popping up everywhere, and it's a welcome sight for those of us with chronic pain, sleep issues, anxiety, and many other ailments. CBD is one of the two key parts of the marijuana plant, but is thanks to a recent change in the laws and regulations around the hemp plant, hemp is … [Read more...]
Why sleep testing is important if you have fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia and Sleep Disorders Chronic fatigue is one of the key symptoms of fibromyalgia, along with chronic pain. Both issues can be linked to sleep issues. Symptoms of sleep issues can include Trouble falling asleep easily Waking throughout the night Restless sleep (aka tossing … [Read more...]
Symptoms and Signs of Fibromyalgia
While the hallmark symptom or sign of fibromyalgia is chronic widespread body pain, that is not the only symptom of fibromyalgia. Nor does simply saying widespread body pain really express what that means. The same is true with the other standard symptom of fibromyalgia - chronic fatigue. The … [Read more...]
Review: Every Day Optimal CBD Oil Tincture
Reviewing Every Day Optimal CBD Oil for Sleep I never really would have thought about taking CBD oil for sleep, but after finally trying it a year ago I found that CBD oil has helped me sleep better than anything else I've tried. I had tried a variety of prescription meds, made sure my sleep … [Read more...]
Are sleep issues at the root of many Fibromyalgia symptoms?
Could sleep deprivation be a root cause for many fibromyalgia symptoms? While sleep issues are a fact of life for most of us with Fibromyalgia, sleep studies are still not commonly provided. And, often, even when they are they provide little helpful information. The lucky few find that they … [Read more...]
4 Tips for Boosting Your Immune System
4 Tips for Boosting Your Immune System Guest post by Brooke Whistance Your immune system is responsible for defending you against diseases and keeping you healthy and functional. If it doesn't protect you against even the most common of infections than your immune system needs a … [Read more...]