Like many with Fibromyalgia, I also live with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). I tend to swing between IBS-C and IBS-D. At least that was always the case until I finally found a probiotic that really worked. For months I would wake up every morning with watery stool, and often repeated occurrences … [Read more...]
Improving Fibromyalgia Symptoms with Food
When I was first diagnosed with fibromyalgia, one of the first questions I asked was about whether there were foods I should eat or avoid that would improve my symptoms. The initial response from my doctor was not really, then that there were a few things that could help (avoiding sugar, … [Read more...]
Controlling IBS with Probiotics and Stress Management
I've struggled with IBS for over 20 years. IBS was the first condition that became a chronic issue for me. And, it's the one condition I've continued to struggle with since it first hit me in my early 20's. Although, at the time I didn't realize what I was dealing with. After over 20 years with IBS, … [Read more...]
4 Tips for Boosting Your Immune System
4 Tips for Boosting Your Immune System Guest post by Brooke Whistance Your immune system is responsible for defending you against diseases and keeping you healthy and functional. If it doesn't protect you against even the most common of infections than your immune system needs a … [Read more...]