Relationship issues have been in the foreground of my mind lately, so today's Sunday Inspiration post has been inspired by three posts on handling relationship conflicts. We've been in counseling for several months now and if there's one thing I've learned it's that I can't focus on what I'd want … [Read more...]
11 Things You Should Never Say to Someone With Fibromyalgia
Things You Should Never Say to Someone Who Has Fibromyalgia Someone you know and love has Fibromyalgia or suffers from some sort of chronic pain. And, at some point you've said something to them that hurt their feelings and made them feel worse. You had no idea you did it. It's unlikely that … [Read more...]
Customer Service and Communication: Part 2
Customer Service and Communication Last week I wrote about the doctor that regularly has the two-hour wait and how she'd told me to call for test results, only for me to do so and have her staff tell me I had to come in to have the results read to me. After I made the appointment to come in … [Read more...]
Fibromyalgia and Sex: The Unspoken Reality
Fibromyalgia and Sex the unspoken reality Sex. It's not a dirty word, yet it's a topic that we seem to want to avoid, instead of deal with. We ignore it and try to pretend that the giant purple elephant is not in the room. When I talk to friends with Fibromyalgia, the topic of sex rarely comes up, … [Read more...]
Customer Service and Communication: My Pet Peeve
This post is going to be a little more negative than I like to be, because it deals with one of my greatest pet peeves - Poor Communication and Customer Service, especially in the health industry We've all had he experience where we go to the doctor and wait two hours for a five-minute … [Read more...]
Book Review: In Sickness As in Health
I don't know about you, but Fibro, and chronic illness in general, has had an impact on my marriage. Recently, I downloaded and read In Sickness as in Health: Helping Couples Cope with the Complexities of Illness. I've read Barbara Kivowitz blog of the same name, and after enjoying a wealth of … [Read more...]
11 Things Those With Chronic Illness Need to Do
11 Things Those With Chronic Illness Need to Do 1 . Say No- "Just Say No", it's more than a slogan. Unfortunately, it's an ability that many of us simply don't seem to have. One issue that many of us with Fibro have is that we've said yes to everything our whole life. We are all a bunch of Ado … [Read more...]
The Effect of Fibromyalgia on Marriages
Do you ever look at your healthy partner and feel/fear that they don't deserve this life? A life with someone who is chronically ill? You aren't alone. I've had that thought many times. A recent study shows that spouses with Fibromyalgia are more likely to consider divorce than their non-Fibro … [Read more...]
Helping your spouse understand Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia and Marriage: Helping your spouse understand Helping your spouse understand your needs will go a long way to making your life easier and less stressful when living with fibromyalgia. Being sick, I felt like I shouldn't constantly tell him how I really feel, that he didn't … [Read more...]