There are three things those of us living with chronic pain need more than anything else - acknowledgement, empathy, and understanding. Yet, too often these are the things are lacking most. "The worst thing about having an invisible illness is that people have a very hard time believing you … [Read more...]
It’s ok to ask for help
How many times have we been told that we need to learn to ask for help, that we need to be willing to ask for help? Yet, no matter how often we hear it, the asking is still a struggle. We all struggle in different ways, with asking for different things. For some of us, we can easily ask for help … [Read more...]
Asking For Help is Giving a Gift
As difficult as it is to ask for help, most of us loved to be asked. We often get confused and think that we are handing someone a burden when we ask them for help, but really when we ask for help, we are giving them a gift. I love to read and books often inspire me, especially non-fiction. … [Read more...]
When you realize you are the toxic person in the situation
Have you ever thought about a situation and realized that maybe you were the one making the situation bad? That maybe in a relationship or situation you were the toxic person? Sometimes I read back through something I've written in the past and receive a punch to the gut. That's what happened as … [Read more...]
5 things I’ve learned about handling stressful times
I've learned a lot about myself in the last few years. One of the biggest things I'm still learning is how I handle stress, both physically and mentally. I've realized that often I don't realize I'm stressed out until my body starts shutting down. Mentally my creativity will seem to come to a … [Read more...]
Coming Out of the Chronic Illness Closet
Being open about your chronic illness can often be as difficult as coming out of the closet about your sexuality. In both cases, you rightfully worry that you will be judged, that you won't be accepted, and that opportunities may be taken away from you. Chronic Mom shared a great post about … [Read more...]
Are you spending too much time with the wrong people?
Throughout the last few years I've made a strong effort to spend more time with the right people and less (or no) time with the wrong people. Throughout the last decade I've shared several topics about dealing with toxic people, or people who drain your energy. It was something I … [Read more...]
5 Tips for Handling Toxic Relationships
We all have people around us that give both positive and negative energy. Some take any energy they can find and absorb it into themselves. These relationships can become toxic, especially when you are already dealing with limited energy. Thankfully, while there are several types of negative … [Read more...]
Helping Your Family Cope With Your Chronic Illness Diagnosis
Helping Your Family Cope With Your Chronic Illness Diagnosis guest post from Jaime Lenae Chronic illness doesn’t just affect your health. It can cause a widespread ripple of chaos across all aspects of your life, including your relationships. Previously healthy relationships can begin to … [Read more...]
The importance of maintaining friendships in isolation
Right now we are facing a time where everyone is more isolated. Those who are healthy are beginning to get a glimpse of the isolation many of us living with chronic illness have lived with for years. And, those who are chronically ill are even more isolated than normal as they seek to protect … [Read more...]