Why ‘letting go’ is the best thing You Can Do For Yourself guest post by Audrey Throne You may feel that holding grudges, anger or resentment is natural, but have you ever considered the toll it takes on you? In a 1988 Gallup poll, it was found that almost 94 percent Americans recognize the … [Read more...]
Medical Studies
These posts review various medical studies related to the treatment and diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and other chronic illnesses.
CBD oil for improved sleep
CBD Oil for Sleep Despite all of the improvements I've made over the last few years sleep continues to be an issue. I've tried a lot of things and some of them work somewhat, helping me fall asleep easier for a time. But, it seems like they never last. My body grows accustomed to whatever it is. … [Read more...]
Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Migraine & Cluster Headache
A while back I saw someone using this interesting device. I had no idea what it was and when asked they told me that it was a Vagus Nerve stimulator. They were using it to treat their chronic migraines. Vagus nerve stimulation has been used for years to treat symptoms of treatment-resistant epilepsy … [Read more...]
Fibromyalgia Blood Test May Lead to fibromaylgia vaccine
EpicGenetics is looking at using the fibromyalgia blood test they've created to screen patients in hopes of developing a fibromyalgia vaccine (or more accurately a treatment for those with fibromyalgia that could reverse the symptoms). It's not a vaccine for fibromyalgia in the traditional … [Read more...]
Taking Control of Your Gut Health
Taking Control of Your Gut Health Guest Post by Dr. Roshini Raj Digestive trouble is an uncomfortable issue that is familiar to many. Whether it’s diarrhea or a stomach ache that just won’t go away, some with ongoing gastrointestinal (GI) issues find it difficult to determine what’s … [Read more...]
5 Great Strides Being Made in the Field of Health Science for Chronic Pain Management
5 Great Strides Being Made in the Field of Health Science for Chronic Pain Management Managing chronic pain is one of the major challenges faced by millions of people every day. Many face the unfortunate possibility that they may spend the rest of their lives dealing with the same pain day in … [Read more...]
Living the Whole Health Life
I was given a copy of The Whole Health Life by the author, Shannon Harvey because she and her husband felt that it aligned with the info that I share here on my blog. I couldn't agree more. After they told me about the book I really couldn't wait to read it, and as I started reading it I couldn't … [Read more...]
Can an antidepressant help IBS symptoms?
I've lived with IBS for years. Despite diet changes that sometimes help, despite probiotics that help somewhat, I still have stomach pain and alternating IBS-C and IBS-D. When the stomach pain (it feels like an ulcer) returned again this past fall I also returned to my GI doc. Initially, I thought … [Read more...]
Can Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Help Fibromyalgia?
Meditation is a topic that I've been interested in for a while, yet on the borderline. I'm interested and I've stuck my toe in the water a time or two using meditation apps but I've never really taken the plunge or made meditation a regular part of my life. I'm reading The Whole Health Life by … [Read more...]
What is an Oska Pulse? And, how did it change my life?
Recently, I have the opportunity to try a type of product that is totally new to me. The Oska Pulse is a wearable pain relief device that uses Pulse Electro-Magnetic Frequency to reduce, and even eliminate, pain. Back in June of 2016 a guy named Steve contacted me about his device, the … [Read more...]