There are many misconceptions about chronic illness, things we hear and know that others think. The worst part is that often we think these same things about ourselves. I have to say I've never seen a group of people talk so poorly about themselves, as those of us living with chronic illness … [Read more...]
Extra Spoons and Inspiration
These posts contain little tips and inspiration to help you gain an "extra spoon" or two. Many with invisible illness call themselves "spoonies" in reference to The Spoon Theory by Christine Miserandino. The idea is that we equate our energy levels to spoons, when our energy levels are low, we need spoons. These posts are meant to help you increase your energy (whether mental or physical), and therefore your spoons.
Mind Over Body: The Size of Your Step Doesn’t Matter
Mind Over Matter Sometimes, when you live with chronic illness, "Mind over Body" has to be your mantra. It is all too easy to let the body win, to continually focus on how unwell you feel and allow that to keep you from living. If you can make small incremental changes, they can all add up to … [Read more...]
Life in the Slow Lane: From life in the fast lane to life with chronic illness
Life in the Slow Lane: From life in the fast lane to life with chronic illness guest post by Samantha Taylor of Focus on the things you CAN do There are a lot of people in this world that I like to call ‘Doers’. The people who are always on the go, say ‘Yes’ to most things asked of … [Read more...]
Getting Past the Sadness and Isolation of Chronic Pain
Getting Past the Sadness and Isolation of Chronic Pain guest post by Sarah Anne Shockley All of us living with chronic pain are aware of how difficult it is on a physical level. Very aware, most of the time. But what we sometimes don’t acknowledge is the immense toll living … [Read more...]
My past will not change, but I control my future
My past will not change, but I control my future. My past will never change and I’m OK with that. *A version of this article was originally published in the ProHealth inspiration corner. “If you could change anything about your past, what would it be?” I can’t tell you how many times … [Read more...]
Are you happy? Or just complacent?
2017 was a major year for me. It was the year when I took a hard look at my life and asked the question: Am I happy? Or am I just complacent? I started taking a Mindfulness-based Stress Relief course in late January of 2017 and that began the introspection into what happiness means to me. As I … [Read more...]
Why you and your family should watch the Unrest Documentary
Why You Should Watch The Documentary Unrest I was sent a screener of the Unrest documentary back in December but by the time I got a chance to watch it the documentary was available on Netflix, so I watched it there. After viewing it I have 5 reasons you should not only watch Unrest, but you … [Read more...]
There’s No App for Happiness
I was unhappy. I spent a lot of the last several years unhappy and didn't even realize it. I often blamed my unhappiness on my health. I often avoided life because of my unhappiness and I'm sure that my unhappiness seeped into my relationships with others, causing some to avoid me. Who … [Read more...]
5 things to help you deal with year end anxiety
A New Year Brings New Anxiety I struggle a lot this time of year, and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone. The holidays bring a lot of stress and I've realized this year that there are things about this particular time of year that bring me stress beyond the typical holiday stress. I noticed a few … [Read more...]
5 Habits to help me move forward
The last few years I've allowed life to hold me back a bit, even though it doesn't seem like it. I mean after all I did manage to go back and finish my degree (finally) and I started a new business. So, I've been really productive the last few years. But, then there are other areas where my life … [Read more...]