Why is it So Hard to Ask For Help? Reading the book, The Art of Asking by Amanda Palmer, really made me question why I struggle so much to ask for help when I need it. This book really changed my perspective on the whole concept of asking for help and I believe it's helped me see … [Read more...]
Extra Spoons and Inspiration
These posts contain little tips and inspiration to help you gain an "extra spoon" or two. Many with invisible illness call themselves "spoonies" in reference to The Spoon Theory by Christine Miserandino. The idea is that we equate our energy levels to spoons, when our energy levels are low, we need spoons. These posts are meant to help you increase your energy (whether mental or physical), and therefore your spoons.
“But You Don’t Look Sick!” – Understanding Invisible Illness
Living with a condition such as Lupus, Fibromyalgia or Rheumatoid Arthritis is horrible enough without also having to cope with the cynicism of people who cannot detect these illnesses and take the stance that you’re exaggerating the level of your suffering. This doesn’t just stem from the … [Read more...]
5 Ways I Reduce Stress During Tough Times
Tough times add stress. Five ways to reduce the stress you face during tough times. This post was originally published on ProHealth Inspiration Corner Life's been a little more stressful of late, as my mom is fighting cancer and therefore she has taken priority on my time and attention. Of … [Read more...]
5 Things I’ve learned about tough times
I've been struggling a lot lately. It's not something I like to admit, I want to be strong and pretend everything is OK. But, the truth is that I've had a lot more bad days lately. It seems like about every third day I barely manage an hours worth of work before I'm just mentally and/or physically … [Read more...]
The Importance of Social Support
Social support makes a huge difference in how we manage our illness. Too often, though, we push our support away and try to do it all on our own. The struggle is that our illness has taken so much of our independence away that we want to do anything we can on our own, often to our own detriment. As … [Read more...]
6 Ways to Enjoy Your Life with Migraine
6 Ways to Enjoy Your Life with Migraine -guest post by Samantha Wilson Do you feel that migraines are ruining your life? They have almost ruined mine. But I accepted the challenge and learned to enjoy my life. Most information on migraines discuss how to deal with one when it … [Read more...]
Stop making excuses and start making changes
Stop Making Excuses and Start Making Changes Change is difficult especially when you are comfortable. Sometimes it's not even that you are comfortable you just prefer the devil you know over taking a risk that might make you more uncomfortable. Thinking back I remember what it was like for me … [Read more...]
Funny Fibro Fog Stories
We have to laugh at Fibro Fog or we'd just cry. I remember when I realized that my life had become one giant game of password. My husband (at the time) thought I was just playing around when I was asking about "that room with the bed where we sleep." Yeah, I couldn't remember the word bedroom, but I … [Read more...]
Finding Joy in Chronic Illness
Tami Stacklehouse is one of us, she is a survivor. She's seen the worst Fibromyalgia has to offer, and now she's on the other side. The changes for her did not come easy, they don't come easy to any of us, but they can be made. Tami is now the Fibro Coach. She helps others find the other … [Read more...]
Rough Times Will Come
2016 was a bit of a roller coaster for me. I finished school in December of 2015 and that left me a little unclear as to what I would do next. So, I launched a new business helping other chronic illness bloggers. Just when things started to be getting into a nice groove and business began picking … [Read more...]