*This article was originally posted on Prohealth When you live with chronic illness your self-esteem takes a beating. You are no longer able to do many of the things you used to do, you are forced to rely on others for help with often simple things, you may no longer be able to work, and you … [Read more...]
Inspirational Posts
Whether it was a song that inspired me, or a post that someone else shared, or just something random in the world, I hope these posts provide you with a little inspiration.
Turning Fear into Gratitude
It's amazing the number of times that I run across a book on my Kindle that downloaded years ago only to finally read it and think "Wow I'm glad I waited!" It's not that the book wasn't amazing but that what I learned from the book was something I needed when I finally read it. I likely wouldn't … [Read more...]
Working with Chronic Illness
How do you keep working when you have chronic illness? The question of how to keep working when you have chronic illness comes up quite often. It was a common topic around my house as I approached the end of my degree and considered what was next. Fellow spoonies, how on earth do you earn money … [Read more...]
How can you be positive when you live with chronic pain?
This post was originally published on Prohealth.com Recently I saw a meme on Facebook asking the question: "How can you be positive when you live with chronic pain?" There was a time when I would have totally agreed with that sentiment, but no more. These days I know that whether I feel positive … [Read more...]
Inspired By Illness: Artistic Spoonies
About a year ago I shared the stories of several people who were inspired by illness. I'm so happy when I come across others who have found a new passion as a result of the terrible things that have befallen them. Illness sucks, but we've got to be able to make something positive out of it, or we … [Read more...]
7 things you need to let go of to feel better
7 Things You Need to Let Go Of, To Feel Better Sometimes we hold on so tightly to things that we don't need. I think that when we live with chronic illness we hold on even tighter. Illness strips so much away from us that we can feel it necessary to hold onto anything that's left, … [Read more...]
Chronic Illness Inspires
Originally posted on Prohealth Often chronic illness seems to zap us of our inspiration, but that's not always the case. Many of us discover new passions and hobbies after we are diagnosed with chronic illness. Sometimes, chronic illness inspires. While our illness may have taken one hobby we … [Read more...]
10 Ways to be Happier Despite Chronic Illness
10 Ways to be Happy Despite Chronic Illness Stress creates anxiety, anxiety increases pain, pain increases stress. Stress, anxiety, and pain decrease happiness. It’s the circle we live in when we live with chronic illness, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s so easy for me to get caught in that … [Read more...]
At the Risk of Being Vulnerable
Being vulnerable (or rather the inability to be) is probably one of my greatest weaknesses. There is a great risk in being vulnerable; one that I've taken in the past with very bad consequences so it makes me shy of taking that risk again. I'm not very open about myself, even with those I would … [Read more...]
The Keys to Recovery
Julie Holiday (aka @MECFSSelfHelpGuru ) shared a great post on Prohealth recently about the Keys to Recovery. In sharing stories of those who have recovered she's found a few simple ways these stories have overlapped. I go back and forth over whether I'm willing to say I'm "recovered" from … [Read more...]