Chronic Illness does not mean you are failure Originally published on Prohealth Inspiration Corner There are many ways to gauge success. My view of success has always been a little different than most. Perhaps it’s because of how I was raised, or perhaps it’s just something in how I see the … [Read more...]
Inspirational Posts
Whether it was a song that inspired me, or a post that someone else shared, or just something random in the world, I hope these posts provide you with a little inspiration.
11 Misconceptions of Chronic Illness
There are many misconceptions about chronic illness, things we hear and know that others think. The worst part is that often we think these same things about ourselves. I have to say I've never seen a group of people talk so poorly about themselves, as those of us living with chronic illness … [Read more...]
Mind Over Body: The Size of Your Step Doesn’t Matter
Mind Over Matter Sometimes, when you live with chronic illness, "Mind over Body" has to be your mantra. It is all too easy to let the body win, to continually focus on how unwell you feel and allow that to keep you from living. If you can make small incremental changes, they can all add up to … [Read more...]
Life in the Slow Lane: From life in the fast lane to life with chronic illness
Life in the Slow Lane: From life in the fast lane to life with chronic illness guest post by Samantha Taylor of Focus on the things you CAN do There are a lot of people in this world that I like to call ‘Doers’. The people who are always on the go, say ‘Yes’ to most things asked of … [Read more...]
My past will not change, but I control my future
My past will not change, but I control my future. My past will never change and I’m OK with that. *A version of this article was originally published in the ProHealth inspiration corner. “If you could change anything about your past, what would it be?” I can’t tell you how many times … [Read more...]
How Tom lost 150lbs while living with chronic pain
Losing weight while living with chronic pain It was Summer 2001 and life was great! Awesome friends, a partner in a successful company, pursuing my Master’s degree in counselling, playing sports, and travelling. I was living a good life and things were going as planned, until I noticed … [Read more...]
The Importance of Keeping a Sense of Humor
The Importance of Keeping a Sense of Humor When You Have Chronic Illness guest post by Crys Baysa of Pleasant Living Through Chronic Illness Keeping A Sense of Humor (And What It Really Is About) You know that scenario where you’re walking along and you run into something? And then you’re so … [Read more...]
Why Letting Go is the Best Thing You Can Do For Yourself
Why ‘letting go’ is the best thing You Can Do For Yourself guest post by Audrey Throne You may feel that holding grudges, anger or resentment is natural, but have you ever considered the toll it takes on you? In a 1988 Gallup poll, it was found that almost 94 percent Americans recognize the … [Read more...]
Live Like You Are Dying – the story of an amazing layover
Live Like You Are Dying: The Story of an Amazing Layover Post originally published on ProHealth Inspiration Corner. I had an amazing layover. There’s a sentence you almost never hear or see. Certainly not one I expected to be saying, but those are exactly the words I used to describe my recent … [Read more...]
Life is full of choices
"Sometimes it's better not to post." - This was a comment that I received on Twitter following last Monday's post. I have no idea if the person who left that comment actually ready my blog post, or if they were basing it simply off the first line of the post about how I was struggling to … [Read more...]