-Originally published on ProHealth Inspiration Corner When it comes to chronic illness there's a lot we don't have control over, and it's often that lack of control that leaves us feeling so much worse than we could. We are hurting and fatigued, we may not be able to move the way we used to, and … [Read more...]
Coping with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Illness
Inspiration and thoughts on how to improve coping skills when dealing with Fibromyalgia, chronic pain, fatigue, and invisible illness.
I Thinx these Period Panties are Awesome
Guys, skip this post... just keep moving alone. In fact, go read this post. I've run across these period panties in a few places. They promise to absorb a bit so that maybe you won't need a liner and you can feel a little more comfortable and confident during that time of the month. As I read … [Read more...]
4 Reasons Why You’re Stalled
Has your health stalled? Were you finally seeing improvements only to plateau? Or, have you just seen no improvements at all? We've all experienced one of these at some point. It's frustrating to just stop improving, to see things moving along nicely only to have them seem to stop improving or … [Read more...]
The Importance of Loving Yourself Despite Chronic Illness
*This article was originally posted on Prohealth When you live with chronic illness your self-esteem takes a beating. You are no longer able to do many of the things you used to do, you are forced to rely on others for help with often simple things, you may no longer be able to work, and you … [Read more...]
Besides My Diagnosis, I am…
It's easy to get wrapped up and even lose our identity to our diagnosis. As women, especially, we often lose our identity to many things. Instead of the person we are, we become a wife, a mother, a caregiver, or a spoonie and forget all the other amazing aspects of who we are. The last couple of … [Read more...]
Reslience -a poem
Jen sent me this poem, which does an excellent job of sharing just how resilient those of us living with chronic illness are. We may be broken, but we are strong. We may be hurting, but we are not done. Resilience by Jen Today I was broken, But I am not defeated, The list of things I … [Read more...]
Blogger Tips for Travelling with Chronic Illness
How to Travel with Chronic Illness Travelling with Fibromyalgia, or any chronic illness, can be difficult at best. I long for the days when I could jump in the car for a day trip and allow it to turn into an overnight trip without any planning. That's just not reality anymore. These days if … [Read more...]
PillSuite Makes Taking Meds Easier
A couple of years ago I posted about PillPack. It was something I couldn't quite wrap my head around trying because my pills change too often. Yet, I've stayed enamored with the idea of having my pills in nice little sealed baggies so that I can grab them and go. If I could just make my own, I … [Read more...]
The Flare Survival Kit
Flares are rare for me, these days, and usually when they occur they don't last more than a day. I believe that has a lot to do with learning to accept the flares when they come, and give them room. When I'm in a flare, I don't leave my PJs, I don't shower and I don't work. I do, however, rest, … [Read more...]
Talking With Your Doctor About Pain
How to Talk to Your Doctor About Pain by Jim Sliney Jr, RMA Talking about your pain is one of the most challenging conversations you will ever. You are bound to have it with your doctor, or with friends and loved ones, and each time you do it’s going to be unpleasant. Why? Because to … [Read more...]