Chronic illness affects sex in relationships. The sad truth of the matter is that sexual dysfunction is almost the norm for those of us with Fibromyalgia, and for many other chronic illnesses. There are a lot of differences, though, between chronic pain hitting existing established relationships and … [Read more...]
Coping with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Illness
Inspiration and thoughts on how to improve coping skills when dealing with Fibromyalgia, chronic pain, fatigue, and invisible illness.
11 Tips for Exercising with Chronic Pain
11 Tips for Exercising When You Have Chronic Pain Guest post from Charushila Biswas Living with chronic pain is more common than you realize. It's estimated that one in every three people suffers from chronic pain at some point. Any pain that has lasted more than six … [Read more...]
My Favorite Things: 12 products I can’t do without
I am given the opportunity to review a lot of things here. And, I've been asked by a few readers if my reviews are true and/or if the products are items that I continue to use. The answers are yes and sometimes. I don't keep using every item. Sometimes it's just not something that fits in my life, … [Read more...]
Does age affect how you cope with chronic pain?
Coping with fibromyalgia can be difficult at best. It's a learned process through trial and error. However, you can avoid a lot of trial and error by learning from others. There have been some great studies on the topic of coping with chronic pain and fibromyalgia. Previously, I've discussed … [Read more...]
Warming away the Pain with Sunbeam® Heating Pads (sponsored)
I'm not a fan of cold packs. Let's just get that out there. When I was in PT regularly it seemed like they always wanted to hook me up to a TENS machine then wrap me in cold packs. All I would do is cinch up, forcing my muscles to get even tighter than they already were, creating more pain. I … [Read more...]
How are you coping with your chronic pain?
Learning to cope with your pain can make a huge difference in your quality of life. Most anyone with pain can agree with that even if they haven't yet found a good way to cope. Early on I alternated between active and passive coping. As my attempts at active coping failed, I would return to a … [Read more...]
4 Products That Have Helped Reduce My Pain
I've been dealing with chronic pain for a long time now, I know it's not as long as some of you, but it's been a while. Over the last eight years I've tried a number of things to help reduce my pain and some of them have worked really well while others haven't worked well at all. I won't bother … [Read more...]
The Relationship between Stress, Depression & Fibromyalgia
The Relationship Between Stress, Depression & Fibromyalgia Stress plays a major role in both fibromyalgia and depression. While there are many similarities in fibromyalgia and depression, including brain areas that are activated and how both respond to stress, fibromyalgia is more than just … [Read more...]
4 Good Reasons to Change Doctors
I spent close to two years without a general practitioner when our insurance changed and the doctor I'd been seeing didn't accept the new insurance. I sat in limbo because I really didn't want to change to doctors. I was able to get my rheumatologist to refill a couple of my prescriptions just so … [Read more...]
4 Signs That You Are Doing Too Much
Are you doing too much? I've been doing more and more lately, or so it feels like. Maybe I'm not. When I compare to this time last year when I was doing a lot of freelance work, going to school full time, working in lab hours, doing non-profit work, and still blogging, maybe I'm doing … [Read more...]