Day 3 started off a bit harder than the previous days. The first two days I really didn’t even notice the lack of real food and one glass of juice was plenty to last me for quite a while. However, Day 3 I began my second glass of juice within two hours of my first. I also woke up with a headache. I don’t know if it’s a nutritional thing or just a normal me waking up with a headache thing (since that usually happens at least once a week).
A friend who juices told me that often Day 3 is the hardest as your body starts to really fight you letting go of the toxins. Perhaps that’s what it was.

Later I mixed up a fruit concoction of pear-mango-kiwi for a snack around 2:30.
My new Breville juicer arrived a day early, but I didn’t get it unboxed and cleaned up in time for dinner. I think I also waited too long to “eat” again as I was getting a bit of a headache by the time Paul got home from work. For dinner it was Carrots -Tomato – Celery – Cucumber – Swiss Chard – Garlic. I added in a little salt and oregano and heated it up just a touch. It was much better than last night’s juice soup.
After dinner, I put the new juicer together and made some desert: carrot – orange – beet – grapes. That thing is so freakin fast. And cleanup is every bit as easy as I expected. I won’t miss using my mom’s juicer at all. Where I was scrubbing hers, mine just rinses clean. Then I let it soak in hot soapy water for 10 minutes, come back and rinse it off and let it dry. Then it’s ready to go for the next round.
Aside from the bit of headache and the cold I’m still fighting, I felt pretty decent. I will say I seem to have a lot more energy. While I start the morning just wanting to sit on the couch by the early afternoon each day I’m ready to go and get some stuff done (which is a nice feeling).
As I type this up, it’s the morning of Day 4 and I’m feeling really good. No, my Fibro aches and pains aren’t gone (but that wasn’t the point). I just feel better in general. My mood is better, my energy level is better. (Oh and my cold is getting better, too). A Juice Fast isn’t for everyone (or maybe it is) and it’s not something you just jump into without doing some research and making sure your body is ready for it. I think it helped me a lot that I had to go through the scope prep last week and that had already gotten a lot of stuff out of my system. But, following that I got ready, I reduced the junk entering my body, I ate more fruits and veggies to get my body used to those, and less meat. I think that’s why my body isn’t going into shock this week as much as I might have expected. Typically, by Day 3 your body is entering a Detox period that feels like detox (headaches, aches, mood swings, etc). I can’t say I haven’t had any mood swings but they are typical hunger mood swings because I waited too long to “eat”.
While I haven’t gotten my Food Sensitivity Panel back yet, I’m pretty sure there is some food component to some of my issues. That’s why I chose to do this. To flush out the poison of that food and replace it with good nutrition, as well as to retrain my taste buds and cravings.
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Becky says
That sounds REALLY good…way better!
Julie says
Becky – OMG! The Breville is a world of difference above the JL.
– Easier to clean (just the start). There are fewer pieces. Where you have to use that little key to take the blades out of the filter. No such need on the Breville. The filter basket/ blade assembly is all one unite and just lifts right out. The plastic the Breville is made out of also seems to be easier to clean (less porous maybe?).
Also the Breville comes with a covered juice catcher jug. So everything goes straight into that instead of possibly over it.
The Breville handled spinach and kale like it was no big deal, didn’t even blink. Where the Jack Lalane I had to push it through with a carrot and sit there and poke at it forever to get it through. I can juice a glass of green juice in a quarter of the time (or less). It was taking me as long (or longer) to juice as it did to prep the produce. Now, I’m juiced and cleaned up in less time than it took to make the juice before. So worth it for just like $50 more. I got the Breville 98J… which runs $149.99. It has two speeds. There’s a 5 speed version (which some friends of mine have and love) for another $50. But I wasn’t really sure it was worth it for me.
Becky says
Good for you! So, I also have the jack lalane (I really don’t think I spelled that right!) juicer, you really like your new one better? Just curious, because it seems like its one of the best, but I also think its hard to clean and stuff so was wondering if a diff juicer would really be easier/better. I’ve had mine for quite a few years anyway. Keep up the good work! 🙂