I think I made it through the hardest part and even that wasn’t bad. I’m still feeling really good and at this point it seems almost easy. Making it two more days shouldn’t be any big deal. I had to go and look up What to Expect When You Juice Fast. Even though I’d read it before I just wanted to make sure all was well. Mainly today started the diahrea. Given my IBS issues I wasn’t sure if it was the juice or just me. My poo has been pretty soft all week, which is what I expected with the juicing. The diahrea just makes things more difficult as far as leaving the house. That’s really the only thing I’ve noticed. I’ve had headaches a few times but it’s usually quite obviously because I waited too long between juicing.
Breakfast: I did a slightly different Green Juice this morning. I wanted to test out the new juicer and see how it did on spinach. So I did Spinach – Kale – Cucumber – Celery – Lemon. It could have used less lemon. I used a whole one (as per the recipe) but that made it a bit tart for my taste. The recipe again made two glasses so I set the second one aside to eat a little later.

Lunch: Fruit! Grapefruit – orange – kiwi – pear – apple – mango – ginger. It was quite good but it could have used a little more ginger. I used one of each of the above, except the apples, I used two. And the ginger was about and inch piece. This also made two glasses. So again I have a second one for later.
I grabbed the second glass of Fruit juice on my way out the door for a Dr appointment. Then had the second glass of Green Juice when I got home. I find that I need to “eat” about every 2 hours while Juicing. Perhaps this will help me get into another good habit of eating regularly small meals instead of once in a while eating a lot.
About an hour after that second glass of Green Juice I juiced up another glass of a different green juice. This time it was Beet – Apple – Spinach – Cucumber – Celery -Ginger. Amazingly enough the bit of beet I included was enough to turn the whole thing bright red. Usually, the green color will overtake anything else.
I really needed another glass of juice before bed, but I just couldn’t make myself make another glass.
One more days seems like nothing now. But, I’m definitely ready to bite into something. Oddly enough, I’ve only been craving good stuff. Yesterday, I was craving celery!
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