On the 5th Day of Juicing…. I woke up super early, thanks to some mice that have taken up residence right above my bedroom ceiling. I didn’t actually get out of bed though until close to my usual time, when I fixed up another “green smoothie”. I didn’t follow a recipe really and just threw some stuff in the juicer. I can’t even remember what it was at this point. Then around 11 I fixed up a citrus juice with grapefruit, lemon, apples and I can’t remember what else and drank it as we ran out the door. Hubby had taken the day off work so we decided to go see a movie – that we never made it to. Instead, we ended up trying to find him a Kettle weight and checking produce prices at a couple of places. We started off at Earth Fare because I had a coupon for a free lb of apples there (if you spent $5). I also had another coupon for a free loaf of Gluten-Free bread. It took forever to find the bread because I didn’t know it would be frozen. Then when I found it and looked at the ingrideants I wasn’t sold it was something I wanted to buy. I think I’d rather learn my friend Bradlie’s recipe for GFCF quick bread. In the end, we left with nothing, because I just can’t bring myself to pay Earth Fare prices. I did think for a minute that their price on bulk organic carrots was good but then I realized it wasn’t any better than Costco’s price for the same carrots (and at CostCo I only have to buy 5lbs instead of 25).
We’ve also been looking for place to tan before we head off on our anniversary trip to Jamaica. I’m a very light-skinned redhead and I burn easily. And, Paul figures that we both have a better shot of not burning if we get a base tan before we go (that said, I don’t actually believe he burns). So, we shopped around for that. I’ve read somewhere (I can’t remember where) that tanning helps some Fibro folks feel better. Who knows, maybe it does. I guess I’ll find out. I know heat typically makes me feel better so I would think that a tanning bed would in the same way.

By the time we got home, I was starving. We’d run by CostCo to pick up some more produce and I so wanted to just grab an orange and eat it on the way home (the way that Paul did!) but I didn’t. I waited till I got home and mixed up some more green juice. I should have used a recipe because it really wasn’t very good. I ended up with about a glass and a half and I just downed the first glass. Later, I juiced two more apples and added them to what was left and it tasted much better. I don’t think pears add quite the same sweetness that apples do. I’ve about decided I bought way too many pears, because I’ve barely used them and I have quite a few left.
Before I put the juicer away for the night I decided to go ahead and make some carrot-orange-ginger juice. I kinda thought I’d want some more juice before bed, but I ended up not wanting/needing it. So I put the juice in the fridge and had it this morning with a couple of slices of Asian pear for breakfast. I’ve decided that Asian pear has almost no flavor on its own. I think I’m going to try baking it or juicing it with some ginger and see how it works … or maybe some cinnamon. It just needs something.
I think today we are going to drive up to Nashville and check out Whole Foods and the Farmers market and see what we can find. We don’t have a Whole Foods here, and I’ve been told that that’s probably where I’ll need to go to do a lot of shopping if I want to do the GFCF diet. Good thing we actually like going to Nashville occasionally.
And for those who are wondering. I’ve lost 3lbs in the last 5 days doing the juice fast. I’m down a total of 7lbs in the last 10 days (thanks to the colonoscopy prep).
Julie says
Losing weight is definitely a nice side effect. Whole Foods is on that list of places that many people in my city have been wanting for a while. Now, I understand why. The closest we have is Earth Fare, which is like a mini version of Whole Foods with higher prices.
Becky says
Wow…good for you, doing so well! It feels great when you are losing weight too, doesn’t it? I guess I am spoiled, in the city I live in we have 2 Whole Foods stores!