Mind Over Matter Sometimes, when you live with chronic illness, "Mind over Body" has to be your mantra. It is all too easy to let the body win, to continually focus on how unwell you feel and allow that to keep you from living. If you can make small incremental changes, they can all add up to … [Read more...]
When You Hit Rock Bottom You Have Two Choices
The good thing about rock bottom is you have two options. You can lie in the filth you created and quit. That was never an option for me. The other: there is only one way out, and that is up! - cdmitchell, the stories behind the stories. This quote struck home for me. I've been there - at rock … [Read more...]
Hope is NOT a Luxury
I've had this issue spinning around in my head for a while. I've been trying to get back to school (AGAIN) and it seems like hubby and I have butted heads on the topic a bit too much. I feel like often when the subject of school comes up that for him it's about ROI. Can I get a degree and then earn … [Read more...]
What is the Point of Suffering?
What is the point of all this suffering? Last month I read a really great book. It's a book that had a positive effect on me and I think it does most people who find it at the right time. If you find it at the wrong time you will likely disregard it as "new age hoopla". The book is … [Read more...]
Why Counting My Spoons?
I regularly get asked "Why Counting My Spoons"? What is that spoons thing? What the heck is all this spoon thing about? This post will answer those questions (and maybe more) Why Counting My Spoons? Before I was officially diagnosed I went to my first Fibro Support Group meeting and someone said … [Read more...]
Don’t Let Your Health Take Your Dreams
When life hands you lemons, make lemonade... or so they say. So many times I've watched my friends give up on their dreams for a variety of reasons, often it's because of their health. I was chatting with a new friend on Twitter the other day when this topic came up. Her … [Read more...]
Sunday Inspiration – Serenity, Grief and Gratitude
As I read through other blogs during the week, I take note of things that really speak to me, things that inspire me or make me think. I've been trying to share some of those here with you guys, as this Sunday Inspiration series. I hope you find some inspiration here as well. Please be to visit the … [Read more...]
Sunday Inspiration: Illness, Acceptance & Forgiveness
This week I've really been trying to focus on my Mantras: "Let it Go" and "Whatever is Is" and I think it's been helping me avoid getting stuck on the little things. There have been a few posts across the web this week that have inspired me and I want to share those with you in hopes that you will … [Read more...]
Are We Choosing to Hold Onto the Pain?
If I'm in the car, I'm listening to Dave Ramsey. I really enjoy hearing the callers, shaking my head at the stupid ones and celebrating with the ones that have made smart choices to find their way to debt freedom. Recently, I caught the episode where he interviewed Max Lucado about his new book … [Read more...]