This week I’ve really been trying to focus on my Mantras: “Let it Go” and “Whatever is Is” and I think it’s been helping me avoid getting stuck on the little things. There have been a few posts across the web this week that have inspired me and I want to share those with you in hopes that you will be inspired too.
- Forgiveness, Fibromyalgia and Freedom – This post is so dead on what I’ve gone through the last couple of years and am still working on. Forgiveness has never come easy to me, I’ve always been a little more of a grudge bearer. The good news is that it takes a lot to really get on that list of people that I hold a grudge against. Yet, still forgiveness is hard, the hardest person for me to forgive is usually myself.
“Forgiveness to me, is about letting go of the pain… the story… and not being attached to it anymore. It becomes more like I’m remembering a movie where someone else is the main character and it doesn’t affect me any longer.“
- Accepting Your Limitations – This is a bit one for me. Especially since I felt like I was past so many of my limitations for a while, and then here they come slapping me in the face. She posted pretty much exactly what I’ve been feeling lately.
“I need to identify and accept my limitations. I also need to give myself a damn break now and again and accept that it’s okay to do so.“
- 3 Little Tricks for Dealing With People Who Offend You – I love this article as it really does give some great answers for those little things, the annoying people at Starbucks, the people who cut you off in traffic. Those things you would so easily get stuck on and allow to be the start of a negative mental loop.
“Float Down the Stream. When I drive and other drivers do rude things, I often get angry. Then I remember a trick: I imagine myself floating down a stream in a raft, and the other cars are just twigs and leaves floating past me one way or another on this stream.”
I’d love to know where you’ve found inspiration this week? Something you’ve read? Something someone said? Please share your thoughts.
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