Every once in a while I get the opportunity to review a book that I really want to read. That was the case with the new book from Sue Ingbretson, Get Back Into Whack. I've been following Sue and reading her blog for years. She's one of my blogging idols - those people you look up to and aspire to … [Read more...]
Tips and Tricks
These posts share various tips and tricks I have found for dealing with life as I live it, whether it's related to Fibromyalgia, diet, juicing, treatment, or just life, in general.
The Person Who Decides If You Need a Mobility Device Is You
The Person Who Decides If You Need a Mobility Device Is You guest post by Mary D'Rozario Two years ago, I had never heard of a part-time wheelchair user. I didn’t know that the vast majority of people who use wheelchairs – about 95% – can walk to some degree. I didn’t know that wheelchairs are … [Read more...]
6 Tips for Surviving Work During a Fibro Flare
6 Tips for Surviving a Fibromyalgia Flare While Working by Suzanne Kopecki of FibroMomBlog.com Wait! Are you telling me that you have Fibromyalgia and you work? What do you do when you are in a flare? I have heard this many times when people find out I am working and chronically ill. … [Read more...]
How Weighted Blankets Can Help Fibromyalgia Symptoms
For years I've heard anecdotal stories about how weighted blankets have helped improve fibromyalgia symptoms, but I'd put off purchasing one because I wasn't sure it would be worth the price. After years of wanting a weighted blanket I finally got one and I wasn't disappointed. Years … [Read more...]
How Getting Outside Can Improve Your Health
How Trees Help My Aging and Chronic Disease Mindset guest post by Verla Fortier My family of chronic diseases includes: Systemic Lupus, Raynaud’s, and Sjogren’s Syndrome. I was diagnosed two years ago. I am 65 years old. Two years ago I was sad, afraid, and hiding inside. When not … [Read more...]
Handling the Challenges of the Holidays with Chronic Illness: The Ultimate Guide
The Ultimate Guide to Handling the Holidays with Chronic Illness Even for the most holiday-loving person the holidays bring stresses and challenges that just aren’t there the rest of the year. For those of us with chronic illnesses like Fibromyalgia, Lyme, and CFS/ME the challenges and … [Read more...]
Do People With Fibromyalgia Fall More?
Do you find that you fall down more with fibromyalgia? Do you bump into things as you walk? Feel unsteady and as if you no longer have good balance? You aren't alone. A 2013 study found that the majority of people with fibromyalgia report falling. This 2013 study followed 18 people with … [Read more...]
Does Anger Increase Pain?
Does anger increase pain? It always amazes me that they do studies to prove what (to me) seems obvious. Those of us with the chronic pain of fibromyalgia already know that the stress of negative emotions like anger increases pain. Anger increases pain. Stress increases pain. Anger increases … [Read more...]
Muscle aches and pains relief with Village Naturals
Relieving Muscle Aches & Pains with Village Naturals I'm a huge fan of baths. I've taken them nightly for the last eight years as part of my overall fibromyalgia treatment plan. I find that a bath at night helps my muscles relax, warms me up, and helps me get to sleep easier. I usually include … [Read more...]
Can wearing rose colored glasses decrease migraines?
Stress has long been a major cause for migraines, for me. But, light is often just as guilty. Whether it was the florescent lights I was forced to deal with while in school, or even the bright sun when I don't have on properly tinted glasses. I'm really happy to say (and I may be jinxing myself … [Read more...]