Unless you were already sick before you met your partner, it's highly likely that your relationship took a drastic change when you became ill. Perhaps you had a great sex life, you went out often and did lots of things together, you traveled, you enjoyed life. I know that's how it was with my … [Read more...]
Topics Close to My Heart
These posts discuss various issues and events that are close to my heart. Perhaps it's me sharing something that happened, or just sharing my soul.
My past will not change, but I control my future
My past will not change, but I control my future. My past will never change and I’m OK with that. *A version of this article was originally published in the ProHealth inspiration corner. “If you could change anything about your past, what would it be?” I can’t tell you how many times … [Read more...]
Are you happy? Or just complacent?
2017 was a major year for me. It was the year when I took a hard look at my life and asked the question: Am I happy? Or am I just complacent? I started taking a Mindfulness-based Stress Relief course in late January of 2017 and that began the introspection into what happiness means to me. As I … [Read more...]
There’s No App for Happiness
I was unhappy. I spent a lot of the last several years unhappy and didn't even realize it. I often blamed my unhappiness on my health. I often avoided life because of my unhappiness and I'm sure that my unhappiness seeped into my relationships with others, causing some to avoid me. Who … [Read more...]
When Your Partner is Struggling with Chronic Illness and Pushing You Away
The below came from an email sent to me by a reader. After I answered his email I realized that he's so not alone and that my response might be helpful for many other partner's of those with chronic illness, so I asked his permission to share his question. "My wife suffers from chronic illness. … [Read more...]
You Are Not the Enemy
You Are Not the Enemy: Stop Beating Yourself Up for Your Illness guest post by Kerry @ Chronically Zen When I was first diagnosed, the battle lines were clear: it was me against Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s disease had wrecked my health and my plans for the future. It was not going to … [Read more...]
It’s time to stop complaining and do something
We all have pet peeves, and today I'm going to talk about one of my biggest ones. There's nothing that drives me mad more than someone who will complain about something but refuse to do something about it. Stop complaining and start doing something about it. I see this throughout life. And, … [Read more...]
5 Ways I Reduce Stress During Tough Times
Tough times add stress. Five ways to reduce the stress you face during tough times. This post was originally published on ProHealth Inspiration Corner Life's been a little more stressful of late, as my mom is fighting cancer and therefore she has taken priority on my time and attention. Of … [Read more...]
Stop making excuses and start making changes
Stop Making Excuses and Start Making Changes Change is difficult especially when you are comfortable. Sometimes it's not even that you are comfortable you just prefer the devil you know over taking a risk that might make you more uncomfortable. Thinking back I remember what it was like for me … [Read more...]
You Don’t Know (a poem)
I love talking with my readers. Ann is one that emails me on occasion to give me updates on how she is and it's just nice to connect with others who "get it". She shared her story a while back here, and recently she emailed me this poem and gave me permission to share it. You Don’t Know By: … [Read more...]