Researchers Find Neurological Signature for Fibromyalgia Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to look at the brains of those of us with Fibromyalgia and see that we are different? Well, it seems (again and again) that there just might be. There have been a few studies now that have shown … [Read more...]
Medical Studies
These posts review various medical studies related to the treatment and diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and other chronic illnesses.
How Chronic Pain Affects Sex in New Relationships
Chronic illness affects sex in relationships. The sad truth of the matter is that sexual dysfunction is almost the norm for those of us with Fibromyalgia, and for many other chronic illnesses. There are a lot of differences, though, between chronic pain hitting existing established relationships and … [Read more...]
Does age affect how you cope with chronic pain?
Coping with fibromyalgia can be difficult at best. It's a learned process through trial and error. However, you can avoid a lot of trial and error by learning from others. There have been some great studies on the topic of coping with chronic pain and fibromyalgia. Previously, I've discussed … [Read more...]
How are you coping with your chronic pain?
Learning to cope with your pain can make a huge difference in your quality of life. Most anyone with pain can agree with that even if they haven't yet found a good way to cope. Early on I alternated between active and passive coping. As my attempts at active coping failed, I would return to a … [Read more...]
The Relationship between Stress, Depression & Fibromyalgia
The Relationship Between Stress, Depression & Fibromyalgia Stress plays a major role in both fibromyalgia and depression. While there are many similarities in fibromyalgia and depression, including brain areas that are activated and how both respond to stress, fibromyalgia is more than just … [Read more...]
Knowing My Genetic Risks
Cancer seems to run through my family, and often seems to run over my family. As I've posted recently my mom is currently undergoing treatment for cancer. This is the second time she's had cancer. On her side of the family there is also skin cancer, but not much otherwise. On my biological father's … [Read more...]
Is it your responsibility to know your genetic risks?
I recently underwent a DNA test to determine my genetic risk for a number of different diseases. I did this because I wanted to know, for myself. I don't have children so there's no risk of passing it to them. I just simply wanted to alleviate some fears and possibly backup theories regarding my … [Read more...]
Using Genome Testing to Diagnose Rare Disease
Personalized Medicine. It's a concept that we occasionally hear about but it really hasn't become part of our culture in the way that it should. When I took statistics and learned about the "normal" bell curve it struck me just how important it is that about 20% of us are outliers. We fall … [Read more...]
Pain and Fatigue Associated with Function and Performance in Fibromyalgia (a study)
While there are literally hundreds of symptoms associated with Fibromyalgia, pain and fatigue are the two primary hallmarks of Fibromyalgia. They are the ones most often used to diagnose Fibromyalgia, and the two most commonly associated with Fibromyalgia in almost any context. Pain and fatigue … [Read more...]
Intravenous Meds for Chronic Pain
Generally when we think of pain meds for fibromyalgia we think of pills, and typically we think of opioids (because they are all the rage and all the news of late). But, there are more options in the sea than just pills, including several intravenous medications that are now being used to treat … [Read more...]