Letting go is often one of the hardest things we can do. But, letting go allows us to simplify, to reduce stress, and anxiety. To move on. My mom and I had a yard sale a few years ago. As we were setting up she asked "Do you want your doll furniture?" "You still have that?" My first thought … [Read more...]
Extra Spoons and Inspiration
These posts contain little tips and inspiration to help you gain an "extra spoon" or two. Many with invisible illness call themselves "spoonies" in reference to The Spoon Theory by Christine Miserandino. The idea is that we equate our energy levels to spoons, when our energy levels are low, we need spoons. These posts are meant to help you increase your energy (whether mental or physical), and therefore your spoons.
16 Things Fibromyalgia Sufferers Need to Stop Doing
16 Things People with Fibromyalgia Need to Stop Doing Living with fibromyalgia, we are often told what we should and shouldn't do. It gets tiring taking advice all the time, especially when that advice often comes without understanding. I'm hoping that the list below is a bit different for … [Read more...]
Why Can’t We See Our Own Lives?
"I think we have more trouble seeing our own lives sometimes..." This is something a friend of mine said recently in reply to how he'd sent myself and another friend the same link twice (about two weeks apart). He was commenting on how we all often repeat ourselves but we don't realize it. We'll … [Read more...]
The Role of Guilt & Blame in Chronic Illness
Do you allow guilt and blame to be major actors in your life? When we live with chronic illness, it seems like guilt is often our number one sidekick. And, his shadow is blame, too often pointed back at ourselves. Leah over at Chronicles of Fibromyalgia posted about "The Distraction of … [Read more...]
The Advantage of Fibro Fog: It’s hard to hold a grudge
Fibro Fog is one of the most annoying symptoms we deal with. It's frustrating beyond all belief! But, today I realized there is one HUGE upside to "the Fog" - we forget a lot of bad things, too. It's so much easier to forgive and forget and move-on, when your memory just isn't there to start … [Read more...]
Why I’m No Longer Reading The “Cure” Books
There are a million books on "How to Cure Your Fibro" out there and every one of them has a different answer. Sometimes it's someone who "had" Fibro that suddenly found a cure via changing their diet, and most of the time it's some Dr who has come up with the "right" answer to end all our suffering. … [Read more...]
Entertaining With Fibro: The Holiday Edition
We found out this last weekend that we will be hosting Christmas at our house for my husband's family. There's a lot of them. I haven't really hosted anything here at the house in the last year for a variety of reasons. It's not that I don't enjoy hosting (I do), but at this point it's … [Read more...]
What To Do When Your Plan Fails?
Write a New Plan! At least that's my answer.I've posted recently about my new plan to work on pacing and also actually keep up with house cleaning. I'd worked out a system using Remember the Milk to help me keep track of all that needed to be done and mark it off as it was done. Knowing that there … [Read more...]
Your Pain Comes From a Futile Search For What You Want
"All your pain comes simply from a futile search for what you want, insisting it must be found outside you." I just saw this posted on a "friend's" Facebook wall. I put "friend" in quotes because we really were never more than online acquaintances. He's now been removed from my friend's … [Read more...]
Book Review: “Are You My Guru” by Wendy Shankar
I don't remember how I first came across this book, but it made it onto my reading list and I finally got a copy a few weeks ago. Re-reading the back cover I knew it had to jump to the top of my list and I'm so glad it did. Wendy Shankar is best known for her book The Fat Girl's Guide to Life. … [Read more...]