Fibromyalgia is like riding a roller coaster and sometimes it's like riding it with a blindfold on. I've tried many times to explain to healthy people what it's like to live with fibromyalgia, the highs of good days and the lows of flare days and the constant struggle of never knowing what's … [Read more...]
Extra Spoons and Inspiration
These posts contain little tips and inspiration to help you gain an "extra spoon" or two. Many with invisible illness call themselves "spoonies" in reference to The Spoon Theory by Christine Miserandino. The idea is that we equate our energy levels to spoons, when our energy levels are low, we need spoons. These posts are meant to help you increase your energy (whether mental or physical), and therefore your spoons.
What Chronic Illness Has Taught Me
It's hard to think of anything positive about chronic illness. It causes pain and shame, and can take our lives away. But, as I look back on the last decade since chronic pain became part of my life, I can see positives as well as negatives. Yes, I lost a few years of my life, yes I had a lot of … [Read more...]
9 Changes you can make to feel better this year
Whether it's January 1 or the middle of the year, it's never too late to start making changes. These 9 changes can help you feel better this year. While people often pick January 1 as the time to make a "clean" start, with a diet or a cleanse, to start a new health routine, or to take up a new … [Read more...]
We make room for pain
Those who do not live with chronic pain will never understand what it's like to make room for pain, to adjust your life to accommodate it, to get used to it. Just because we may seem better, or seems as though things hurt less (even to ourselves) doesn't mean that they do. We learn to adjust our … [Read more...]
5 Ways you can hit the reset button on life
Have you ever just wanted to hit the reset button on life? I'm pretty sure we all have at some point or another. There have been many times in my life when I've been so overwhelmed that I wished I could just hit a reset button on life and start over. I'd love to hit the reset button and go back … [Read more...]
10 Ways to reduce stress related to chronic illness
When we have a lot going on in life, things get stressful. Even if the busyness is enjoyable it can still lead to stress. And, when you live with chronic illness the last thing you need is additional stress. So, it's important that we find ways to reduce stress as much as possible. 11 Ways to … [Read more...]
Fibromyalgia and the Importance of Forgiveness
Fibromyalgia and Forgiveness You may not think that forgiveness (or holding a grudge) would play a role in fibromyalgia, but as with all negative emotions it can play a huge role in the symptoms you experience. Holding a grudge is the opposite of forgiveness. Along with that grudge comes the … [Read more...]
10 things that are making you feel worse
When you live with chronic illness it's not always the physical actions that make you feel worse. It's not all about what you eat or don't eat, or whether you exercise, or take your meds. Often, the interactions and emotions you allow in your life can do just as much to leave you feeling just as bad … [Read more...]
Books to help you cope with chronic illness
Reading is one of my favorite pastimes, a good book can distract me when I'm not feeling well, it can teach me so many things, or it can simply help me relax and fall asleep at the end of a hard day. I enjoy nonfiction as much as fiction, and while I prefer to avoid the "cure" books, I do look for … [Read more...]
Someone Has it Worse Than You
Someone has it worse than you. How many times have you heard those words? Or, even said them about yourself. I shouldn't complain because someone has it worse than me. It's not that bad, there are so many others suffering worse. When someone else tells you that others have it worse it is hurtful … [Read more...]