Negativity often overwhelms me. I see it everywhere, I hear it everywhere. I try to avoid it as much as possible. I don't watch or listen to talking heads or news programs, I avoid people that are stuck in the negative rut. But, sometimes it can't be avoided. Sometimes, the place I hear the most … [Read more...]
Inspirational Posts
Whether it was a song that inspired me, or a post that someone else shared, or just something random in the world, I hope these posts provide you with a little inspiration.
A-Z Blogger Survey
I ran across this survey over on Chronically Kristin's blog, so I thought I'd have some fun with it and share a little bit more about myself at the same time. Plus I'm crazy busy with school this month (one of those crazy 4 week classes) so it's making it harder to keep up with my blogging schedule, … [Read more...]
Handling Negative People
Negative people are everywhere. There are those that will find the negatives in any idea, the "yeah but" people, and those who just can't seem to win for their own fear. It's that last group that gets my goat the worst. I've always been a "make it work" kind of person. If you tell me a problem I'm … [Read more...]
Choose Your Own Adventure
When we think of life with chronic illness we don't often think of having a choice. We are stuck with this illness, we didn't choose it. If we could choose, we certainly wouldn't choose to be sick, we wouldn't choose the uncertainty that comes with chronic illness. But, we do have choices and a … [Read more...]
Time to stop surviving
I died at the age of 34. I was dead for three years but no one buried me. I'm thankful for that, because at the age of 37 I came back to life. Too often we spend our lives just surviving, just waiting for tomorrow. It's time to stop surviving and start living. My friend Jessica over at … [Read more...]
Let’s STOP Pretending
Sometimes I worry that people will read my blog and see the positivity I try to share, and the fact that I've said I feel I've recovered from Fibromyalgia and think that that means I'm 100% hunky-dory and never have a bad day. But, that's not the truth. I still have bad days and I don't try to … [Read more...]
#StoptheStigma Where does Stigma Come From?
After my post last week about the Stigma of Mental Illness, I received an email that got me thinking. " The Stigma of Mental Illness The Stigma of Rape They are the same allegations. Funny how we transfer a prejudice rather than end it. I stopped claiming the latter, maybe you could … [Read more...]
Counting spoons with the #spoontheory
The idea of spoons when it comes to chronic illness is that spoons are akin to energy. Counting your spoons is the idea of tracking how much energy you have and what you need to do and balancing those two in hopes of avoiding running out of spoons. The idea is that healthy people have seemingly … [Read more...]
Sunday Inspiration: Guided Meditation
I've seen a lot of posts talking about meditation and how difficult it is, and when I read those my thoughts are usually that I agree it's difficult but not for the reasons most list. Most recently I saw a post on Pillow Fort entitled "Meditation and Self Care: Where to begin" The only … [Read more...]
Sunday Inspiration: Is there a cure for Fibromyalgia?
Evidently Donna over at FibroGeek is on a role, because once again she's inspired me. Not long ago she posted her thoughts on the idea of recovering from or curing Fibromyalgia. This is a question that comes up a lot, Is there a cure for Fibromyalgia? Can you recover from Fibromyalgia? I'd not … [Read more...]