We all have pet peeves, and today I'm going to talk about one of my biggest ones. There's nothing that drives me mad more than someone who will complain about something but refuse to do something about it. Stop complaining and start doing something about it. I see this throughout life. And, … [Read more...]
Inspirational Posts
Whether it was a song that inspired me, or a post that someone else shared, or just something random in the world, I hope these posts provide you with a little inspiration.
Sunday Inspiration: Christine Miserandino
I haven't done a Sunday Inspiration post in a long time. I've had to cut back posting as I've just not had enough time to do everything I'd like to. But, this week I think it's important that I write this post. For those who don't know, this entire blog was inspired by Christine Miserandino and … [Read more...]
4 Signs That You Are Doing Too Much
Are you doing too much? I've been doing more and more lately, or so it feels like. Maybe I'm not. When I compare to this time last year when I was doing a lot of freelance work, going to school full time, working in lab hours, doing non-profit work, and still blogging, maybe I'm doing … [Read more...]
The Past is the Past, It’s Time to Let Go
We've all gone through crap in our lives. Those of us who live with chronic illness seem to have been handed a bigger pile of crap than most. But, it's what we choose to do with that crap that matters. We can stand around and smell it and let the smell cling to our clothes and our lives, or we can … [Read more...]
Why is it So Hard to Ask For Help?
Why is it So Hard to Ask For Help? Reading the book, The Art of Asking by Amanda Palmer, really made me question why I struggle so much to ask for help when I need it. This book really changed my perspective on the whole concept of asking for help and I believe it's helped me see … [Read more...]
5 Ways I Reduce Stress During Tough Times
Tough times add stress. Five ways to reduce the stress you face during tough times. This post was originally published on ProHealth Inspiration Corner Life's been a little more stressful of late, as my mom is fighting cancer and therefore she has taken priority on my time and attention. Of … [Read more...]
Finding Joy in Chronic Illness
Tami Stacklehouse is one of us, she is a survivor. She's seen the worst Fibromyalgia has to offer, and now she's on the other side. The changes for her did not come easy, they don't come easy to any of us, but they can be made. Tami is now the Fibro Coach. She helps others find the other … [Read more...]
Rough Times Will Come
2016 was a bit of a roller coaster for me. I finished school in December of 2015 and that left me a little unclear as to what I would do next. So, I launched a new business helping other chronic illness bloggers. Just when things started to be getting into a nice groove and business began picking … [Read more...]
You Can Change Your Mind
-Originally published on ProHealth Inspiration Corner When it comes to chronic illness there's a lot we don't have control over, and it's often that lack of control that leaves us feeling so much worse than we could. We are hurting and fatigued, we may not be able to move the way we used to, and … [Read more...]
4 Reasons Why You’re Stalled
Has your health stalled? Were you finally seeing improvements only to plateau? Or, have you just seen no improvements at all? We've all experienced one of these at some point. It's frustrating to just stop improving, to see things moving along nicely only to have them seem to stop improving or … [Read more...]