Three ‘unavoidable’ migraine triggers and how you actually deal with them Migraines are not simply headaches. That’s something that people who suffer from migraines will have had to explain to at least a handful of people in their life. It’s so, so much worse, like your brain is tearing itself in … [Read more...]
Coping with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Illness
Inspiration and thoughts on how to improve coping skills when dealing with Fibromyalgia, chronic pain, fatigue, and invisible illness.
4 Challenges of Being an Introvert with Chronic Illness
4 Challenges of Being an Introvert with Chronic Illness Guest post by Kami Lingren Navigating the changes that have come with a not-so-normal immune system have been, well, interesting. And throwing in my introverted personality? Now, that’s come with it's own set of "fun". Ahem, like every … [Read more...]
An Open Letter to ER Professionals
An Open Letter to ER Professionals Guest post by Danielle Faith Dear ER Professional, I have chronic pain due to a rare illness. I know you’re busy seeing patients and saving lives. I will patiently wait for hours until you have the time to see me. I’m courteous to you staff and treat you … [Read more...]
How to Enjoy Travelling Despite Chronic Illness
How to Enjoy Travelling Despite Chronic Illness guest post by Ali Hemsley Travelling with Chronic Illness Everyone finds travelling stressful, don’t they? I’m sure that’s part of the reason we prefer to go on relaxing holidays - getting up early, standing in long queues, feeling like your gate is … [Read more...]
When Your Partner is Struggling with Chronic Illness and Pushing You Away
The below came from an email sent to me by a reader. After I answered his email I realized that he's so not alone and that my response might be helpful for many other partner's of those with chronic illness, so I asked his permission to share his question. "My wife suffers from chronic illness. … [Read more...]
Monitoring My Overall Health with Health Storylines Gut Health App
I've tried a lot of different apps to monitor my health over the years. I find them easier to work with then pencil and paper (especially during the last few years when writing wasn't an option) and having something easily available on my phone (which is always with me) is much better than a … [Read more...]
You Are Not the Enemy
You Are Not the Enemy: Stop Beating Yourself Up for Your Illness guest post by Kerry @ Chronically Zen When I was first diagnosed, the battle lines were clear: it was me against Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s disease had wrecked my health and my plans for the future. It was not going to … [Read more...]
Chronic Illness is Hard Work
Chronic Illness is Hard Work Guest post from Lydia at I know there are people who don't really know me well enough that believe that I am a lazy, whiny hermit with mental problems. These are people that have been in my life for years, but they just don't get that I have real … [Read more...]
4 Ways I Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Stress and anxiety are two things that I try to avoid, but I can't always. Sometimes I just get anxious for no reason, or I start thinking about all that I need to do and I stress myself out. I try to stay focused on the present moment but it doesn't always work. About 20 years ago I had one of … [Read more...]
What to do when you feel lost, alone, and confused
What to do when Chronic Illness Leaves You Feeling Lost, Alone, & Confused This is a guest post from my friend Stacey at As a four-year-old girl, I once peed my pants while hiding inside a circular rounder of clothing at our local Wal-Mart store. Having … [Read more...]