When you have Fibro, flares are gonna come. Despite all that I’ve found to improve my fibromyalgia symptoms and reduce how often the flares come, they still come. However, I’ve learned that there are ways to limit how long those flares stay, and how bad they are while they visit.
Below are 5 tips for getting through a Fibro flare, that might help you get through a flare faster, with less stress, fatigue, and pain.
1. Stop Fighting
When you learn to stop fighting the flares you will find they move on much faster. It seems by default we want to fight the flare. We want to keep working and doing and going. We feel like we have all these things that we need to do and that just pushing through will get it done. But, fighting/pushing through the flare takes so much more energy. The better answer is to relax and give yourself permission to just rest. Focus on recovering and you’ll recover faster. This way you can return to the things you need to do and have the energy to do them with full focus.
I've found that when I stop fighting the flares they go away faster. Pushing through the flare just makes things worse. Share on X2. Change Your Focus
When you let yourself get focused on what you are missing or what you “should” be doing, you are wasting energy, energy that your body needs to recover. When you can change your focus and accept that there are just going to be some days when you need to take it easy and allow yourself to rest, you will find those bad days come fewer and further apart.
3. Remember the Good
It’s amazing how fast we can forget the bad days when all we experience are the good. And, often a single bad day is enough to make us forget all the good days that came before it. Don’t allow a bad day to take away the good ones. Take time to meditate on what is good in your life, and think about the good days that have come and will come again. When you find yourself in a flare, focus on the good in your life. Instead of thinking about what you are missing, focus on what you will enjoy again when you feel better.
There is good in every day. Seek to find it even on the bad days. Share on X4. Count Your Blessings
However small they may be, it’s important to focus on all that you have to be grateful for in that moment. Maybe it’s that you can get caught up on a favorite tv show, maybe it’s enjoying time curled up with your kittens and enjoy your fuzzy PJs, there is always something good to focus on. Focus on the positives, rather than what you are missing will help you stay in a positive frame of mind and avoid the depression that can come with a flare.
Your energy is limited, don't waste it by focusing on the negative. On bad days it's even more important to focus on your blessings. Share on X5. Focus on your needs
It’s difficult when we are in a flare to not get caught up in the needs of others that we feel we are not meeting. But, you have to focus on your own needs before you can help anyone else. Just like they say on the airplane, put your oxygen mask on before helping others. You can’t give what you don’t have. So, focus on rebuilding yourself so that you can later help others.
Focus on your needs first, so that later, when you are feeling better, you can help others. Share on XRelated Posts:
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