Approximately a year before being diagnosed, I suffered about 3 years of major depression. Prior to that, my thyroid was overactive and was treated with radio-active iodine.
Immediately before starting to visit doctors for my FM diagnosis, I was sweating profusely (despite it being the middle of Winter); my wrists and ankles were aching and throbbing (which had previously been a sign that my thyroid medication needed adjusting); and I was finding it impossible to handle any kind of fluorescent lighting.I returned to my GP first, then to my endocrinologist (but my thyroid was fine) so I googled my symptoms and returned to my GP…”I could have polymyalgia?” No, she said I was in the wrong age bracket but it could be fibromyalgia and referred me to a rheumatologist – so, in the world of FM diagnosis, I was lucky as it only took about one month to get a diagnosis.

Were you working at the time?
Yes, I had just been admitted to the Supreme Court of Victoria as an Australian Legal Practitioner (Lawyer) and I was only able to practice for one month after 6 years of study!
That had to be really difficult. How did you handle having to set aside your life plan?
My boss kept my job for 2 and a half years – I had always thought I would get better quickly; that this was only a minor setback.Now, I’m kinda scared about the possibility – I’ve been sick much longer than I was a lawyer – and I’ve probably forgotten much more than I remember.I’ve had my head in the sand, in relation to dealing with giving up most of my dreams, and a lot of the emotional ‘stuff’ is actually pouring out now. I am quite willing to admit that I am NOT enjoying it at all!
[Tweet “I always thought I would get better quickly; this was only a minor setback. @fibromodem”]
I am single, no children; but I have a very close extended family.
“YIPPEE!!! We have a diagnosis. We can fix her now and let her go back to the way she was!!!”
I am no longer able to work as a lawyer – would you want a lawyer who can’t recall what she was saying just a moment ago? I am currently on a disability pension.
The fatigue and fog, definitely!Most of the time, I have been able to manage the pain with medication (except last week!!!) but the drugs only seem to make the fatigue and fog worse. I think I find this so difficult because I had always been so very logical and clear-headed previously.

I don’t think these conditions impact my FM; however, I have to be very careful about medication interactions.
I love going to hydrotherapy. It makes me feel fabulous while I’m in the water and I look forward to my classes; but it doesn’t seem to have any long term benefits.
I go to 2 one hour classes per week. One class is run by Arthritis Victoria, and the other class is a self-help group where I do the exercises from the first class.
We do a 10 minute warm-up; followed by 10 minutes of leg exercises (kicking, cycling, frog kicks, etc) then 10 minutes of arm and back strengthening exercises (with an empty soda bottle). We get 10 minutes to do our own exercise thing (I swim); on to exercises with a kick board and some neck stuff; then leg and hip stretching and thank you for coming!
How open are you with friends & family about your illness & symptoms?
Everybody I know knows about my condition and how to find out more, if they would like to know. Some of them probably know way too much about my body than they thought they ever would!
I have a blog on my website at fibromodem.com . I started with a Facebook page (to fight boredom) and then, as I could not find any information about FM in Australia, I started my blog.
The first issue of “Living WellWith Fibromyalgia” was in June 2012. I think I saw one of the other Fibromyalgia magazines (that you had to pay for) and thought ‘I can do that’ and we shouldn’t have to pay for it…
So here it is. It’s looks a lot different to how it began, and I’m very proud of how it turns out. But, just like everyone else, I’m not always up to fulfilling the goals I set myself.
[Tweet “#Spoonie Grab the good moments with everything that you have! via @Fibromodem”]

Going for a massage (even though I may suffer the next day if we go too deep); shopping (not supermarket!); buying myself flowers; eating ice-cream.
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