The holidays are just around the corner and with the holidays often comes stress over what to get those you care about. Some of us are easy, others not so much, but below is a list of ideas for anyone on your list who is struggling with chronic illness (and most of these would even be welcomed by … [Continue Reading...]
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What Causes Fibromyalgia?
What causes fibromyalgia? If we knew the answer to that we'd probably have a successful treatment that works for everyone. Unfortunately, There is no definite answer on what causes fibromyalgia, but there are plenty of theories. Long ago it was considered a type of arthritis (meaning it's in our … [Continue Reading...]

Mindfulness Therapy for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and IBS
Over 50% of Americans have trouble falling or staying asleep, and that number is even higher for those of us living with Fibromyalgia or CFS. There are a lot of little tricks people suggest for help with falling asleep. I've tried quite a few of them with typically little success. Melatonin … [Continue Reading...]

5 Ways I Focus on Self Care at Work
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30 Things About My Life with Migraine
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How CBD Oil Improved My Sleep
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6 Mental Actions That Will Make You Feel Physically Worse
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Are Doctors Biased Against Patients?
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Effects of stress and relaxation on Fibromyalgia
If I had a nickel for every time I've heard (or said) that stress impacts the symptoms of fibromylagia, I'd be rich. I'm pretty sure that those of us who live with fibromyalgia already know that … [Read More...]

How I reclaimed my life from chronic illness
How I Reclaimed My Life from Chronic Pain Life is a constant state of reclaiming. At least my life is. For every loss I faced, I must then reclaim a life I want. Whatever the struggle, I have to … [Read More...]