Before I got sick with fibromyalgia I had no understanding of invisible illness. I would look at some of the people I'd see using handicapped spaces or the electric carts at the grocery store and think "they don't really need that". I once had a discussion with my (then) husband about how … [Read more...]
Sunday Inspiration: Christine Miserandino
I haven't done a Sunday Inspiration post in a long time. I've had to cut back posting as I've just not had enough time to do everything I'd like to. But, this week I think it's important that I write this post. For those who don't know, this entire blog was inspired by Christine Miserandino and … [Read more...]
I didn’t write the Spoon Theory, I Just Live It!
Like so many #Spoonies out there I came across The Spoon Theory early in my diagnosis and it affected me in a big way because it was the first time I'd heard someone explain what I was living in such a way that allowed to make sense to those who didn't live it. I feel kinda bad because too often … [Read more...]
What is a Spoonie?
What is a spoonie? A question that comes up pretty often on Twitter is "What is a Spoonie". We often used the hashtag #spoonie in our posts or refer to ourselves as Spoonies, and those who are new to the term don't understand why. What is the definition of a spoonie? And, where does that term … [Read more...]
Why Counting My Spoons?
I regularly get asked "Why Counting My Spoons"? What is that spoons thing? What the heck is all this spoon thing about? This post will answer those questions (and maybe more) Why Counting My Spoons? Before I was officially diagnosed I went to my first Fibro Support Group meeting and someone said … [Read more...]
If I don’t do it, no one else will
Many reports show that most of us with Fibromyalgia are "Type A"/ Control Freak / Perfectionist personalities. Over and over at support group and online I hear "If I don't do it, no one else will" or "If I let someone else do it, I'll just have to re-do it anyway". At some point you do have to learn … [Read more...]