CBD Oil for Sleep Despite all of the improvements I've made over the last few years sleep continues to be an issue. I've tried a lot of things and some of them work somewhat, helping me fall asleep easier for a time. But, it seems like they never last. My body grows accustomed to whatever it is. … [Read more...]
My Bedtime Routine
Sleep is the devil. I wear a fitbit for two reasons, to monitor my sleep and to make sure I don't go overboard with activity. Up until a year ago, I was pretty excited if I managed to hit even close to 8 hours of sleep in a night without the help of Ambien. To get just six hours of sleep in a … [Read more...]
Finding Serenity and Rejuvenation
As I shared with her earlier in the week, things have been a little hectic for the last couple of months. Stress has been high, which (thanks to Fibro) has meant increased pain and fatigue. Increased fatigue (combined with more time with my mom) has meant less time to focus on things like blogging … [Read more...]
Getting more sleep with FibroSleep
Getting More Sleep with FibroSleep Sleep is still a challenge for me. I've tried so many things and have found a few that have helped. Melatonin - if I take it early enough it will help me fall asleep faster and sleep better. However, too much will give me nightmares. FibroCane … [Read more...]
Does Napping Help Fibromyalgia Symptoms?
Many of us with fibromyalgia rely on napping to give us a little extra energy to get through the day. Personally, I'm one of those that can't nap. It's a rare day that I manage to fall asleep during the daytime. I won't say it never happens, but it's not a common occurrence and most of the time when … [Read more...]
Can an adjustable bed help with Fibromyalgia? (Sponsored Post)
by Gail Newland If you suffer from Fibromyalgia, you can rest assured you’re not alone. It’s thought that as many as one in 20 people have this potentially debilitating condition. In addition to causing pain all over the body, it can lead to tiredness, muscle stiffness, insomnia, headaches, and … [Read more...]
Ask Me Anything: Counting My Spoons
This post is filed as Inspiration Sunday, because I flat-out stole the idea from FibroGeek (with her permission, so I guess that's not really stealing). Over the last week or so I've posted out to Twitter and Facebook giving you the opportunity to ask me anything. @_chris_willis asks " I'm … [Read more...]
Wearables for tracking sleep and improving pain
Wearables are the latest rage, it seems; little armbands that can track everything from how many steps you take, how many moves you make, to how much sleep you get - they are watching you! I've seen them on the arms of everyone from teachers to doctors lately, and I even got one for my birthday - … [Read more...]
4 Interesting Tricks to Help You Sleep
The joy of Fibromyalgia and Insomnia is that I am always looking for a trick to help me sleep. I've tried counting sheep, I've optimized my sleep hygiene, I take warm epson salt baths, and the magic answer still eludes me. In my search I've come across some very interesting tricks for sleep, that … [Read more...]
Fibro Warrior Wednesday – Lisa Heiss
Each week I am featuring a different Fibro Warrior. I've been sharing the stories of some of my friends and members of my local Fibro Support Group. Today's interview is with Lisa Heiss, another friend from my local support group. You can find Lisa on Facebook. When were you diagnosed? I was … [Read more...]