Being vulnerable (or rather the inability to be) is probably one of my greatest weaknesses. There is a great risk in being vulnerable; one that I've taken in the past with very bad consequences so it makes me shy of taking that risk again. I'm not very open about myself, even with those I would … [Read more...]
10 beliefs to help you overcome negativity
Negativity often overwhelms me. I see it everywhere, I hear it everywhere. I try to avoid it as much as possible. I don't watch or listen to talking heads or news programs, I avoid people that are stuck in the negative rut. But, sometimes it can't be avoided. Sometimes, the place I hear the most … [Read more...]
The Delicate Balance of Being Enough
This guest post on Turning Straw Into Gold, along with the post from Toni Bernhard, that she referred to, really got me thinking about the balance beam that we walk with chronic illness. We play a constant game that I'm going to call - The Delicate Balance of Being Enough. When you live with a … [Read more...]
Sunday Inspiration: Be True To Yourself
The Importance of Being True to Yourself Sue Ingbretson, author of FibroWhyAlgia, posted something on her blog this week that hit me pretty hard. Her post, Do Any of These 10 Regrets Look Familiar referred to a post on the MarcandAngel blog, about 10 Choices You Will Regret in 10 Years. I didn't … [Read more...]
The ONE Thing That Should Be on Your TODO List Daily
via Flickr"What do I need to do today to love myself?" I read this a while back and it struck me. So often we allow ourselves to get overwhelmed with all that we think we have to do. The dishes are piled up, the carpet hasn't been vacuumed in a month, perhaps you have kids that need your … [Read more...]