6 Tips for Surviving a Fibromyalgia Flare While Working by Suzanne Kopecki of FibroMomBlog.com Wait! Are you telling me that you have Fibromyalgia and you work? What do you do when you are in a flare? I have heard this many times when people find out I am working and chronically ill. … [Read more...]
Life in the Slow Lane: From life in the fast lane to life with chronic illness
Life in the Slow Lane: From life in the fast lane to life with chronic illness guest post by Samantha Taylor of Focus on the things you CAN do There are a lot of people in this world that I like to call ‘Doers’. The people who are always on the go, say ‘Yes’ to most things asked of … [Read more...]
Working with Chronic Illness
How do you keep working when you have chronic illness? The question of how to keep working when you have chronic illness comes up quite often. It was a common topic around my house as I approached the end of my degree and considered what was next. Fellow spoonies, how on earth do you earn money … [Read more...]