Over 50% of Americans have trouble falling or staying asleep, and that number is even higher for those of us living with Fibromyalgia or CFS. There are a lot of little tricks people suggest for help with falling asleep. I've tried quite a few of them with typically little success. Melatonin … [Read more...]
10 Ways to reduce stress related to chronic illness
When we have a lot going on in life, things get stressful. Even if the busyness is enjoyable it can still lead to stress. And, when you live with chronic illness the last thing you need is additional stress. So, it's important that we find ways to reduce stress as much as possible. 11 Ways to … [Read more...]
Controlling IBS with Probiotics and Stress Management
I've struggled with IBS for over 20 years. IBS was the first condition that became a chronic issue for me. And, it's the one condition I've continued to struggle with since it first hit me in my early 20's. Although, at the time I didn't realize what I was dealing with. After over 20 years with IBS, … [Read more...]
Can MBSR help fibromyalgia?
Can MBSR help fibromyalgia? After years of being interested in mindfulness and meditation, I finally signed up for a mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) course in 2017. I'd only recently learned what MBSR was from reading The Whole Health Life by Shannon Harvey, which talks about the … [Read more...]
Mindfulness is not a cure
Turn Towards The Pain guest post by Leila Nabors, M.Ed., LPC I am always amused when I hear someone talk about mindfulness and meditation as if they are “the cure” for what ails you, the magic bullet. Like, if you meditate your stress goes away, your illness goes into remission, chronic pain … [Read more...]
Can Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Help Fibromyalgia?
Meditation is a topic that I've been interested in for a while, yet on the borderline. I'm interested and I've stuck my toe in the water a time or two using meditation apps but I've never really taken the plunge or made meditation a regular part of my life. I'm reading The Whole Health Life by … [Read more...]
How long is a minute
*originally published on ProHealth.com How long is a minute? When we think about a minute we know it's not very long but in our world of instant everything it's become an eternity. I can remember when it would take several minutes for a single webpage to load, you could bring up a page go to the … [Read more...]
Within My Control: 5 Lessons in Pain Management
Within My Control:5 Lessons in Pain Management Guest Post by Mandy Mercuri from Take Hold of Pain Six years ago I attended a 3 week intensive hospital-based pain management clinic. It changed my life! During this course, I learned that pain is just a sensation within my body. Oftentimes the … [Read more...]
Sunday Inspiration – Serenity, Grief and Gratitude
As I read through other blogs during the week, I take note of things that really speak to me, things that inspire me or make me think. I've been trying to share some of those here with you guys, as this Sunday Inspiration series. I hope you find some inspiration here as well. Please be to visit the … [Read more...]
What’s Your Mantra? – My MantraBand Review
A couple of weeks ago I posted on twitter about my new My MatraBand bracelets. I love them as they consistently remind me to focus on the thoughts I want to be thinking, rather than the negativity around me. I don't even have to look at them to be reminded, just hearing them jangle together or … [Read more...]