On the 5th Day of Juicing.... I woke up super early, thanks to some mice that have taken up residence right above my bedroom ceiling. I didn't actually get out of bed though until close to my usual time, when I fixed up another "green smoothie". I didn't follow a recipe really and just threw some … [Read more...]
Juicing Day 1 (I Survived)
I made it through the first day of my juice fast and it went pretty well actually. Although I do have to wonder if part of that is because of this cold I'm carrying around and the fact that it's probably dulling my appetite. I picked up my mom's juicer on Sunday afternoon, so I'd have time to … [Read more...]
Getting Moving With Fibro: Fibromyalgia and Exercise
I was talking with my hubby last night about how far I've come with my Fibromyalgia and exercise. Just the idea that I can run (ok, jog) for 1/8 of a mile at a time is pretty cool. A year ago at this time, just the idea of walking across a parking lot wore me out. When I first got diagnosed, I … [Read more...]