Those of us with Fibromyalgia, for whatever reason, have an enhanced sense of smell, even though studies tell us otherwise. All of our senses seem to be heightened. My husband would certainly agree that my sense of smell is equivalent to a superpower. I smell things that no one else even notices, … [Read more...]
Monitoring My Overall Health with Health Storylines Gut Health App
I've tried a lot of different apps to monitor my health over the years. I find them easier to work with then pencil and paper (especially during the last few years when writing wasn't an option) and having something easily available on my phone (which is always with me) is much better than a … [Read more...]
The Vital Plan for Chronic Illness
What would make me add 24 pills a day to my already heavy daily pill regime? Finding a protocol that works, that's what. And, Vital Plan Restore Kit is that protocol when it comes to Fibromyalgia, Lyme, & CFS/ME. The Vital Plan Restore Kit was created by Dr. Bill Rawls, a doctor who … [Read more...]
Can a Lotion make you Limitless?
You know I love to try new things that might help relieve pain or make life easier, and you know I'm a huge fan of CBD oil (or hemp oil extract). So, when offered the chance to try this latest product I couldn't say no. I have been given this Limitless Lotion as part of a product review through … [Read more...]
Warming away the Pain with Sunbeam® Heating Pads (sponsored)
I'm not a fan of cold packs. Let's just get that out there. When I was in PT regularly it seemed like they always wanted to hook me up to a TENS machine then wrap me in cold packs. All I would do is cinch up, forcing my muscles to get even tighter than they already were, creating more pain. I … [Read more...]
Juvenile Fibromyalgia Study Seeking Participants (sponsored)
Acurian, a leader in medical study enrollment is seeking participants for a juvenile Fibromyalgia study. Does your child suffer from widespread, unexplained body pain that impacts their daily routine? If so, local research study doctors are studying an investigational medication to see if it … [Read more...]
The Ways Technology Is Aiding Fibromyalgia Sufferers (sponsored)
*this is a sponsored post The Ways Technology Is Aiding Fibromyalgia Sufferers Those living with invisible illnesses can often find themselves in difficult situations. Living with an invisible illness such as Fibromyalgia can create a lot of stress and pressure. Thankfully a number of technologies … [Read more...]
How Physical Therapy can Help Fibromyalgia
How Physical Therapy for Fibromyalgia Can Improve Chronic Pain and Fatigue sponsored post by Sarah Ross Fibromyalgia, like other chronic pain conditions, can cause severe limitations in your quality of life. You might find yourself planning your days around your pain, or even canceling important … [Read more...]
Can an adjustable bed help with Fibromyalgia? (Sponsored Post)
by Gail Newland If you suffer from Fibromyalgia, you can rest assured you’re not alone. It’s thought that as many as one in 20 people have this potentially debilitating condition. In addition to causing pain all over the body, it can lead to tiredness, muscle stiffness, insomnia, headaches, and … [Read more...]
What’s Your Mantra? – My MantraBand Review
A couple of weeks ago I posted on twitter about my new My MatraBand bracelets. I love them as they consistently remind me to focus on the thoughts I want to be thinking, rather than the negativity around me. I don't even have to look at them to be reminded, just hearing them jangle together or … [Read more...]