Losing weight while living with chronic pain It was Summer 2001 and life was great! Awesome friends, a partner in a successful company, pursuing my Master’s degree in counselling, playing sports, and travelling. I was living a good life and things were going as planned, until I noticed … [Read more...]
Extra Spoons and Inspiration
These posts contain little tips and inspiration to help you gain an "extra spoon" or two. Many with invisible illness call themselves "spoonies" in reference to The Spoon Theory by Christine Miserandino. The idea is that we equate our energy levels to spoons, when our energy levels are low, we need spoons. These posts are meant to help you increase your energy (whether mental or physical), and therefore your spoons.
4 Things I Avoid to Keep My Pain Levels Low
4 Things I Avoid to Keep My Pain Levels Low In August of 2017, I went to Chicago for the Midwest Chronic Pain Education and Treatment Expo. It was a really great event full of vendors showing off unique products and services that help those of us with chronic pain. As well as, some amazing … [Read more...]
How to keep from growing bitter when you aren’t getting better
How to Keep from Growing Bitter When You Aren't Getting Better guest post by Angie Glaser On August 21, 2017, the moon, Earth, and sun lined up perfectly causing the morning sky to darken in a solar eclipse. Morning darkness is eerie. Everything is where it should be - except the … [Read more...]
You are more than the broken piece of you
I am more than chronic illness. I am more than fibromyalgia. I am more than my broken pieces. Lately, I've felt more and more drawn to the idea of removing chronic illness from my identity all together. Will I still have chronic illness? Yes. It's chronic after all. But, that doesn't mean … [Read more...]
The Importance of Keeping a Sense of Humor
The Importance of Keeping a Sense of Humor When You Have Chronic Illness guest post by Crys Baysa of Pleasant Living Through Chronic Illness Keeping A Sense of Humor (And What It Really Is About) You know that scenario where you’re walking along and you run into something? And then you’re so … [Read more...]
4 Ways I’ve stopped giving away my energy
Energy - that thing that those of us with chronic illness fight to have enough of. Yet, I've found lately that I have more and more of it. Why? Because I've stopped giving away so much energy for no return. How have I gotten my energy back? It's not been easy, and it's a struggle, but the … [Read more...]
Why Letting Go is the Best Thing You Can Do For Yourself
Why ‘letting go’ is the best thing You Can Do For Yourself guest post by Audrey Throne You may feel that holding grudges, anger or resentment is natural, but have you ever considered the toll it takes on you? In a 1988 Gallup poll, it was found that almost 94 percent Americans recognize the … [Read more...]
Live Like You Are Dying – the story of an amazing layover
Live Like You Are Dying: The Story of an Amazing Layover Post originally published on ProHealth Inspiration Corner. I had an amazing layover. There’s a sentence you almost never hear or see. Certainly not one I expected to be saying, but those are exactly the words I used to describe my recent … [Read more...]
You Know You Have Chronic Illness When…..
You Know You Have a Chronic Illness When Guest post by: Megan Hastings June 2, 2017 When living with a chronic illness, seemingly trivial tasks or things healthy counterparts do can often seem like insurmountable challenges for you. While I was at the beach with my children on a warm summer … [Read more...]
Life is full of choices
"Sometimes it's better not to post." - This was a comment that I received on Twitter following last Monday's post. I have no idea if the person who left that comment actually ready my blog post, or if they were basing it simply off the first line of the post about how I was struggling to … [Read more...]