I met Bonnie via her comments on my blog and have since gotten to know her better through following her blog, My Ordinary Simple Life. When were you diagnosed? I was officially diagnosed just before Christmas 2011, but after doing some research I believe I have had this most of my … [Read more...]
Extra Spoons and Inspiration
These posts contain little tips and inspiration to help you gain an "extra spoon" or two. Many with invisible illness call themselves "spoonies" in reference to The Spoon Theory by Christine Miserandino. The idea is that we equate our energy levels to spoons, when our energy levels are low, we need spoons. These posts are meant to help you increase your energy (whether mental or physical), and therefore your spoons.
Sunday Inspiration – Serenity, Grief and Gratitude
As I read through other blogs during the week, I take note of things that really speak to me, things that inspire me or make me think. I've been trying to share some of those here with you guys, as this Sunday Inspiration series. I hope you find some inspiration here as well. Please be to visit the … [Read more...]
Fibro Warrior Wednesday – Terri Naroian
I found Terri through her blog, Seeking the Gifts of Fibromyalgia, which I found to be extremely uplifting and positive. She has become one of my major inspirations of late. Terri Naroian is a wife and mother of triplets. She lives in Haverhill, MA and works as a dynamic Speaker, Leader and Coach … [Read more...]
What’s Your Mantra? – My MantraBand Review
A couple of weeks ago I posted on twitter about my new My MatraBand bracelets. I love them as they consistently remind me to focus on the thoughts I want to be thinking, rather than the negativity around me. I don't even have to look at them to be reminded, just hearing them jangle together or … [Read more...]
Sunday Inspiration: Changing Our Thinking
Inspiration can come from many places. I've really had a hard time this week focusing myself on the positive. I've relied a lot on my Mantra bracelets. I have found a few posts in the blogosphere that have given me food for thought and positive reminders. I'd like to share them here with you.3 Quick … [Read more...]
11 Things Those With Chronic Illness Need to Do
11 Things Those With Chronic Illness Need to Do 1 . Say No- "Just Say No", it's more than a slogan. Unfortunately, it's an ability that many of us simply don't seem to have. One issue that many of us with Fibro have is that we've said yes to everything our whole life. We are all a bunch of Ado … [Read more...]
Sunday Inspiration: Illness, Acceptance & Forgiveness
This week I've really been trying to focus on my Mantras: "Let it Go" and "Whatever is Is" and I think it's been helping me avoid getting stuck on the little things. There have been a few posts across the web this week that have inspired me and I want to share those with you in hopes that you will … [Read more...]
Stop Being a Patient Stone
Last week I was reading the book "Reading Lolita in Tehran". It had some moments that I really enjoyed and a couple of things that really jumped out at me as important. One was this quote:"Memories have ways of becoming independent of the reality they evoke. They can soften us against those we were … [Read more...]
Do You Believe You Can Feel Better?
The belief that you can make change or perform a behavior has everything to do with whether or not you will actually do it. It doesn't matter how much you know that it's important to exercise or to change your diet, or that you know that doing those things will likely make you feel better in some … [Read more...]
Are We Choosing to Hold Onto the Pain?
If I'm in the car, I'm listening to Dave Ramsey. I really enjoy hearing the callers, shaking my head at the stupid ones and celebrating with the ones that have made smart choices to find their way to debt freedom. Recently, I caught the episode where he interviewed Max Lucado about his new book … [Read more...]