In "The Slow Death of Compassion for the Chronically Ill," Ken McKim makes several excellent points, about the lack of compassion towards those with chronic illness. It's not too long (30 minutes) and definitely worth watching and sharing, especially with those who question your illnesses, or … [Read more...]
Inspirational Posts
Whether it was a song that inspired me, or a post that someone else shared, or just something random in the world, I hope these posts provide you with a little inspiration.
8 Songs to calm you when everything seems out of control
8 Songs to Calm You When Life Feels Out of Control Stress and anxiety are not friends of chronic illness. Sadly, sometimes it seems like those two seek us out and harass us to no end. Not long ago, I had a situation arise that really stressed me out. I was feeling pushed to do something that was … [Read more...]
8 things you need to remember when living with chronic illness
When we live life with chronic illness, we often get so wrapped up in our illness that everything looks bleak and hopeless. Everything hurts and we're just beyond tired. We feel like our body is attacking and often as a result of feeling so bad physically, our mental health takes a toll and we begin … [Read more...]
6 Things those living with chronic illness need to know
What you need to know if you live with chronic illness Chronic pain and fatigue can really wear you down, whether it's fibromyalgia, CFS/ME, lupus, or something else. Living in chronic pain can tear at your soul, it can make you feel worthless, and unworthy, but you are not. As I've talked with … [Read more...]
Chronic illness and letting go of guilt
Chronic illness and guilt go hand in hand, it seems. There are so many types of guilt that we deal with every day that dealing with guilt becomes another symptom of chronic illness. I often feel guilt related to living with chronic illness. Guilt at not being able to do the things others … [Read more...]
Do You Have Compassion For Yourself?
We expect others to give compassion. We expect them to have it towards others as well as themselves. We give compassion to others without thinking, but do you have compassion for yourself? I've written and thought a lot lately about compassion. How doctors lack it, how people need to be more … [Read more...]
Chronic Illness doesn’t make you a failure
Do you feel like a failure because of your illness? Or, do you feel like a success? Donna over at February Stars shared some great thoughts about how our definition of success relates to chronic illness. We define our own successes, not societal pressures. When you strip it all back what … [Read more...]
We just want a little empathy and understanding
There are three things those of us living with chronic pain need more than anything else - acknowledgement, empathy, and understanding. Yet, too often these are the things are lacking most. "The worst thing about having an invisible illness is that people have a very hard time believing you … [Read more...]
It’s ok to ask for help
How many times have we been told that we need to learn to ask for help, that we need to be willing to ask for help? Yet, no matter how often we hear it, the asking is still a struggle. We all struggle in different ways, with asking for different things. For some of us, we can easily ask for help … [Read more...]
5 Beliefs that Make You a Stronger Person
Illness took a lot away from me, but it's also given me much. The first couple of years after I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia were the hardest for me, I came close to giving up completely and I certainly understand why some people do. I can only say it was a certain level of stubbornness that I … [Read more...]