Fibromyalgia and Vitamin D "You should take more Vitamin D." It was a statement from my brother in the early days of my illness. I was already taking Vitamin D... and no matter what I said, he told me I should take more. He meant well. Somewhere in his efforts to be a great brother (and he is) … [Read more...]
Diet and Nutrition for Fibromyalgia
Diet and nutrition have become primary ways that I've improved fibromyalgia symptoms. I've learned that controlling what I eat and put in my body has a direct effect on how I feel. Cutting out gluten and grains, and juicing on a daily basis has greatly improved the symptoms of Fibromyalgia.
How to eat an anti-inflammatory diet
How to Eat an Anti-inflammatory Diet and why you should guest post by Dr. Heather Tick Inflammation is linked to a number of chronic illnesses including diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and of course, chronic pain. As a pain specialist, eating habits are always … [Read more...]
4 Tips for Boosting Your Immune System
4 Tips for Boosting Your Immune System Guest post by Brooke Whistance Your immune system is responsible for defending you against diseases and keeping you healthy and functional. If it doesn't protect you against even the most common of infections than your immune system needs a … [Read more...]
How Tom lost 150lbs while living with chronic pain
Losing weight while living with chronic pain It was Summer 2001 and life was great! Awesome friends, a partner in a successful company, pursuing my Master’s degree in counselling, playing sports, and travelling. I was living a good life and things were going as planned, until I noticed … [Read more...]
Monitoring My Overall Health with Health Storylines Gut Health App
I've tried a lot of different apps to monitor my health over the years. I find them easier to work with then pencil and paper (especially during the last few years when writing wasn't an option) and having something easily available on my phone (which is always with me) is much better than a … [Read more...]
Taking Control of Your Gut Health
Taking Control of Your Gut Health Guest Post by Dr. Roshini Raj Digestive trouble is an uncomfortable issue that is familiar to many. Whether it’s diarrhea or a stomach ache that just won’t go away, some with ongoing gastrointestinal (GI) issues find it difficult to determine what’s … [Read more...]
Start Your Year with Zeal
I slept like crap last night. Looking at my Fitbit it was another restless night. It's amazing how I can sleep through it but wake up so unrested. But, that's how it was. It could be the long day I had yesterday that wore me out but not in the way that lets me get good sleep. Or, it could be the … [Read more...]
11 Tips for Exercising with Chronic Pain
11 Tips for Exercising When You Have Chronic Pain Guest post from Charushila Biswas Living with chronic pain is more common than you realize. It's estimated that one in every three people suffers from chronic pain at some point. Any pain that has lasted more than six … [Read more...]
pHwatr: The easy way to alkaline water
The acidity of your body matters. Too much acid can lead to a host of ailments and symptoms that only start with your stomach. An alkaline diet is often promoted as a way to lower the body's acidity and improve health. Acidity is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen on a scale of 1-14. Under 7 … [Read more...]
Great Exercises for People Who Have Chronic Pain
Great Exercises for People Who Have Chronic Pain guest post by Jennifer McGregor Chronic pain is a prevalent problem in the U.S. today. In fact, according to a recent study by the National Institute of Health, about 11.2% of American adults — more than 25 million — reported having pain every … [Read more...]