Cake: A story of chronic pain, depression, & grief When the movie Cake first came out in 2014 the chronic pain community was buzzing about the story and Jennifer Aniston’s portrayal of a woman living with chronic pain. However, the reviews seemed a bit mixed. Some I read loved it and others … [Read more...]
Coping with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Illness
Inspiration and thoughts on how to improve coping skills when dealing with Fibromyalgia, chronic pain, fatigue, and invisible illness.
10 Ways to be Happier Despite Chronic Illness
10 Ways to be Happy Despite Chronic Illness Stress creates anxiety, anxiety increases pain, pain increases stress. Stress, anxiety, and pain decrease happiness. It’s the circle we live in when we live with chronic illness, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s so easy for me to get caught in that … [Read more...]
The Invisible Monster Fibro Awareness DVD – @the_fibro_guy guest post
Below is a guest post from Adam (aka TheFibroGuy). He is working hard to create a Fibro Awareness DVD with the help of Fibromyalgia Action UK, and he needs our help. The invisible monster... For those of you that are aware of me, thefibroguy, I've recently been in talks with Fibromyalgia … [Read more...]
It’s time to focus on your own story
I received an email from a friend recently about how she'd run across a great success story on Facebook. A woman who had been bed-bound from Fibro had found ways to improve her health (including exercise) and was ready to run a 5k. You go girl (the only time I'm running is if something is chasing … [Read more...]
Life Gets Overwhelming Sometimes
I don't know about you but for me life gets overwhelming sometimes. There is so much you want to do and often so much you need to do that it can feel like it will never happen. At least that’s how it is for me. This summer I’ve been feeling overwhelmed a lot, between keeping up with writing, plus … [Read more...]
When Chronic Pain Causes Shame, Practice Self-Compassion
I recently ran across the blog So Angie Writes and I was deeply touched by her writings. When she offered to write a guest post I jumped at the chance. Angie shares some important words of wisdom on practicing self-compassion when chronic pain causes shame. --- My illnesses … [Read more...]
Fibromyalgia and facial expressions
When I took a speech class I had points deducted several times for not showing enough emotion in my face, or not being animated enough. I've seen it in others with Fibromyalgia as well, I think we learn to hide how we feel so well that it becomes difficult to express emotions of any kind … [Read more...]
The Patient’s Playbook for Chronic Illness
A couple of weeks ago I shared my review of the new book, The Patient's Playbook: Saving Your Life and the Lives of Those You Love. I can't recommend this book enough, and as I read it I couldn't help but think "man I really want to talk with this guy!". I'd love to have really just sat down with … [Read more...]
Review: The Patient’s Playbook – How to Save Your Life and the Lives of Those You Love
It's rare that I will pick up a paper book by choice and read it anymore. But, every once in a while a book will come my way that I want to read bad enough that I will deal with the paper. That's what happened when I saw The Patient's Playbook by Leslie D. Michelson show up in my Amazon Vine queue. … [Read more...]
How do you distract yourself from pain?
A while back I shared a study that indicated that distraction really can reduce pain. It's been a popular post here, and while I shared a few ways to distract yourself from pain, I'd really love to hear your favorite ways to distract yourself from pain and how well those distractions work. So, … [Read more...]