I've followed Tami Stacklehouse for years, so when I saw that her book was available on Amazon I snatched it up. The idea of being a health coach is something that has appealed to me at times. When I had to give up the idea of completing a graduate degree and pursuing counseling in that way I gave a … [Read more...]
Coping with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Illness
Inspiration and thoughts on how to improve coping skills when dealing with Fibromyalgia, chronic pain, fatigue, and invisible illness.
Working with Chronic Illness
How do you keep working when you have chronic illness? The question of how to keep working when you have chronic illness comes up quite often. It was a common topic around my house as I approached the end of my degree and considered what was next. Fellow spoonies, how on earth do you earn money … [Read more...]
How can you be positive when you live with chronic pain?
This post was originally published on Prohealth.com Recently I saw a meme on Facebook asking the question: "How can you be positive when you live with chronic pain?" There was a time when I would have totally agreed with that sentiment, but no more. These days I know that whether I feel positive … [Read more...]
Women often mistreated by doctors
Women are often mistreated by doctors guest post by Katie Ernst All chronic illness sufferers, whether male or female, experience frustration when dealing with the medical system. But if you’re a woman, whether you realize it or not, your struggle is going to be much much harder. First of all, … [Read more...]
What those with Chronic Illness Wish Healthy People Understood
There are many things that those of us with chronic illness wish our healthy counterparts could understand. There are some things the healthy will never understand until/unless they also become chronically ill. We certainly don't wish that on them. There are, however, other things that we believe … [Read more...]
7 Handmade Valentine Gifts for Your Spoonie
Looking for a special gift to get your spoonie Valentine? It's not too late to get her something she'll really like and that would make her day. These special gifts are all ones that let her know how much you understand what she's going through as a spoonie. They will put a smile on her face and … [Read more...]
Parenting a Disabled Child When You Have Fibromyalgia
Written by: Sheri Peterson Parenting is hard. Living with four chronic illnesses is really hard. Having two kids, one with a profound disability, and being sick yourself is really difficult sometimes, to say the least. I have two boys ages 15 and 12. My oldest son has spastic quadriplegia … [Read more...]
The Ways Technology Is Aiding Fibromyalgia Sufferers (sponsored)
*this is a sponsored post The Ways Technology Is Aiding Fibromyalgia Sufferers Those living with invisible illnesses can often find themselves in difficult situations. Living with an invisible illness such as Fibromyalgia can create a lot of stress and pressure. Thankfully a number of technologies … [Read more...]
Take Big Breaths, and Do Small Things
I'm a few months behind on this Healthy Lung Month thing, but breathing healthy is about a lot more than just healthy lungs. We often ignore just how much the air we breathe affects us, and how what we put in that air can have a negative effect on our overall health. Take a look at the below … [Read more...]
7 things you need to let go of to feel better
7 Things You Need to Let Go Of, To Feel Better Sometimes we hold on so tightly to things that we don't need. I think that when we live with chronic illness we hold on even tighter. Illness strips so much away from us that we can feel it necessary to hold onto anything that's left, … [Read more...]