I am really sensitive to light, especially certain types of light...ok, never mind... all types of light. While living in my house (before I sold it), I struggled to find a way to light my living room that didn't aggravate that light sensitivity and set off migraines. Moving into an RV … [Read more...]
Cluster Headaches
Cluster headaches are very "special" type of headache that feel much like you are being jabbed in the eye with an icepick, combined with a migraine. Unlike migraines, you can't just go hide in a dark room, as sitting still just doesn't help, nor do standard migraine or headache medications. They are called cluster headaches because they tend to come in clusters - say two or three a day for two months (that's my typical cluster). I was diagnosed with cluster headaches in about 2010, around the same time as I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.
Finding a pain management doctor
When you live with chronic pain, it's not uncommon to be referred to a pain management specialist - aka, a pain clinic. Depending on where you are sent you may find a helpful clinic with doctors who listen and provide an array of options to treat your pain. Or, you may find a clinic with one set … [Read more...]
Migraines are NOT pretty, let me show you my migraine pose
Last week, Elle Magazine and Cosmopolitan magazine posted a couple of articles that are just really demeaning towards those who live with migraines. Evidently a make-up artist, Nam Vo, "coined" a new modeling pose called the migraine pose. According to her and others who have chosen to adopt it on … [Read more...]
Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Migraine & Cluster Headache
A while back I saw someone using this interesting device. I had no idea what it was and when asked they told me that it was a Vagus Nerve stimulator. They were using it to treat their chronic migraines. Vagus nerve stimulation has been used for years to treat symptoms of treatment-resistant epilepsy … [Read more...]
Verapamil for Migraines and Cluster Headaches
Verapamil for Migraines and Cluster Headaches Verapamil is a blood pressure medication that has been found to improve chronic migraines and cluster headaches. I'm actually surprised it isn't used more, and that I hadn't heard about it until the last six months or so. A search of the … [Read more...]
Chronic Migraines and Cluster Headaches
Migraines have been on my mind a lot lately, both literally and figuratively. I started another period of cluster headaches about a month ago, and as I've talked with friends about my migraines I realized that I'm often finding myself defending my migraines (at least it feels that way). The truth is … [Read more...]
Two juice recipes
I've been dealing with a nasty cluster headache this week. When the pain is bad all I can do is move around to try to distract myself from it. When the pain passes I'm typically just wiped out and feel pretty much like I'm dealing with Fibro. This week has been pretty much like dealing with Fibro. … [Read more...]