6 Ways to Enjoy Your Life with Migraine
-guest post by Samantha Wilson
Do you feel that migraines are ruining your life?
They have almost ruined mine. But I accepted the challenge and learned to enjoy my life.
Most information on migraines discuss how to deal with one when it shows up. Medical articles describe the symptoms and treatment methods. And while the methods may be helpful, the pain remains- no matter how well you follow instructions.
Most people focus on overcoming hardships rather than on enjoying their lives. But if you truly want to feel happy, you must exclude the negatives.
Of course, that can be difficult in the case of migraines, because you have little control over them. However, there is another way – add more positives to your life.
Migraines are painful to handle, but there are always ways you can find happiness even with migraines.
Although migraines made my life a pile of sufferings, I found these ways to enjoy my life. I hope you’ll find them useful, too.
▪ Have Faith
It all started when my pain grew stronger and stronger every day. It was faith that helped me stay calm. When I felt pain, I hoped that it would subside. I had faith. And, the pain ceased.
Faith can help bring your body back to balance and it can also help you overcome fears, especially when they are becoming overwhelming.
Faith should not be practiced as an abstract notion. It should be felt every time you face your migraine symptoms.
- Try and have faith through prayers
Prayers strengthened me, even when it was difficult to speak and the world went blurry. I prayed aloud. Prayer comforted me.
When I engaged in a prayer, I felt God’s pure love. Have strong faith that God can send help to you and pray. The words you say to Him have the healing effect. They materialize with His blessings.

Image source: https://rosalynandroy.com/
- Have faith in God’s words
Do you know what I always take along? The Bible. This holy book is a great source of strength for me during difficult times. It can help you concentrate on certain things.
There were times, when I heard unbearable noises that made me crazy. And what did I do? I just opened the Bible on any page and read the first lines.
As a linguist, I’m obsessed with word origins. So, I took the word and concentrated on it. It helped me avoid the noise.
The Bible can redirect your path. God’s words have something special. And this uniqueness is vital for you.
- Have faith in God’s blessings
When you are in pains, you quickly ignore the blessings you have. I made that mistake. Instead, you should search for the blessings in your life. You need to cultivate the gratitude and appreciate those people and those good things they have done to you.
With the nausea I had, I wasn’t very friendly with people. I knew I could get into an unpleasant situation. But soon I realized that my friends did want me to stay with them, as long as I wanted. They supported me, every time the nausea began. It was a blessing to understand that they were at ease with me.
Try to change your perspective and see trials as the opportunity to learn and grow.
▪ Meditate
Meditation may not ease the pain, but it puts you back in control by reducing the stress.
I started meditating several months ago. With the constant dizziness, I had to find a happy place in my thoughts. And meditation led me to that place.
You can accept yourself through meditation. It can be a perfect way to manage chronic pain, because you, at last, find peace inside. This way you can achieve tranquility.
▪ Accomplish your goals
If there are some things you have not been able to complete because of migraines, now is the right time you do it.
Two years ago I thought I had nothing to live for. Nothing mattered. I had no goals, no dreams, no plans. I just existed. I had only pains.
But, actually, those pains made me look for my aim in life. What was I born for? To suffer from pains all the time? Obviously, no.
It dawned on me that I should act. I should not scold myself for being different. On the contrary – I should show the difference through the things I like. Thus, I started writing.
Writing is my air that I breathe in every time I put down a word. And I’m proud of myself, because I have something special to love myself for.
Be proud of what you have achieved, it will help you love yourself even more.
▪ Be active
My life would be dull without exercises. Wasting too much time for watching TV is counter-productive.
You don’t want to bury yourself alive, do you? I do agree that with migraines it may seem impossible and even ridiculous. But, believe me, I’ve gone through this.
My temporary weaknesses were my enemies. But thanks to them, I saw at the right moment that I should change something. I shouldn’t sit and wait.
Try to explore more positive experiences and keep your body and mind in a productive condition by exercising. Resist the urge to relax too frequently. Migraines do like when you’re lazy. And then pains come.
▪ Try out something new
Having constant migraines may force you to stay in your bed and stare at the walls all day. It is time for you to get out of your comfort zone and try something new.
The new thing I tried was writing about migraines. That’s what I’m actually doing now. I’m writing my first article where I expose my illness. And strangely, I’ve never been so excited before. It’s some kind of relief that I can share my thoughts with you.
Don’t let anxiety trick you into staying in one position. Make sure you have a safety plan against a migraine if it shows up unexpectedly.
To boost your self-esteem, you can create a “joy list” of those things that bring you pleasure. This list can help you find pleasure in the things that may look unhelpful from the first glance.
▪ Open up to people
A migraine may force you to become a sociopath, because you start withdrawing from your social circles.
You need to break the habit of worrying about your migraines in public. Open up to people and you’ll see that the things are not too bad.
Let’s take social media. When I created my Twitter account, I was afraid to communicate with people. I was afraid to write something to them, because I could make mistakes, I could mix up the words, etc.
It was my husband who showed me that migraines can join people. I started communicating with the women who also had migraines. And I found real friends.
Prevent a migraine from ruining your life, try some of these steps today and you will be amazed at how the quality of your life will improve within the shortest period.
- The importance of being vulnerable
- Tips for keeping a clean home when you have a migraine
- The effect of health goals on health outcomes
- Finding Joy in chronic illness
Author bio:
Samantha Wilson is a happy mom of three, writer and editor, contributor to The Term Papers. Defeating migraines all the time, she enjoys her life and keeps smiling. Keep in touch with Samantha on Twitter.
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