The Vagus Nerve Hypothesis is an interesting look at what might be causing the main symptoms of CFS and Fibromyalgia. The hypothesis states:
“While the sensory vagus nerve normally signals the body to rest when it senses a peripheral infection, that fatigue signal is pathologically exaggerated when an infection is located on the vagus nerve itself”
This hypothesis was put forth by Michael VanElzakker, a neuroscientist at Tufts University. His theory is that we’ve too long been looking for a central viral cause of these disorders, when the real issue is not what viral cause, but where that virus lives.
The theory is that basically it doesn’t matter what the virus is, what matter is is that the virus is located on the vagus nerve.
He says that glial cells (which are neuroimmune cells) will respond the same way to any infection, yet when the infection is in the vagus nerve that response is amplified, causing the brain to over-react with increased sickness behavior (fatigue, fever, sleep changes, pain, appetite changes, etc.)This creates a behavior loop where the sickness behavior causes the glial cells to continue to react as if an infection is present creating more sickness behavior.
He points out that neurotropic viruses (the Herpes family of viruses and others) – viruses that affect nerve tissue- have been most commonly associated with CFS. Yet, obviously not everyone who has one of these viruses develops CFS or related disorders.
The connection between Herpes & fibromyalgia
Therefore, the difference is where the virus is located. Since these viruses can infect any nerves, he suggests that it’s only when the virus infects the vagus nerve directly that the reaction is so intense.
This is an interesting hypothesis, but keep in mind that this is all speculation on the part of Dr. Vanelzakker, but there’s a lot about this hypothesis that makes sense. The trick now is in proving it and then finding a way to reverse the problem.
If you’d like to read more about this hypothesis I highly suggest checking out Cort Johnson’s article One Theory to Explain Them All.
- What causes fibromyalgia?
- Signs & symptoms of fibromyalgia
- Vagus nerve stimulation for migraine & cluster headache
- Is there a connection between herpes & fibromyalgia?
Tami says
It’s very interesting because I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few years back. I was not able to do much activity. I have been healing my gut with a functional medicine dr & part of treatment was supplements called CandiBactin AR & CandiBactin BR. They’re herbal & contain things like oregano oil, berberine, lemon and more. I took those for 6 weeks 2 months ago & haven’t had a single fibro symptom. I’ve been gardening, organizing my house and feeling so much better. So this gives me hope that maybe my vagus had a virus & it got wiped out. Thank you for sharing
marsha taylor says
In 1983 my Vagus nerve was cut the idea was to stop stomach acid.For the last 15 years, I have had a fast heart resting is 120,I was diagnosed with FM so my question is could the severing of the vagus nerve cause Both
Julie says
I have no idea. At this point the connection between vagus nerve and fibro is just a theory. There’s not been any solid studies to show evidence (that I know of).
Annette K says
I think this article has found a common system (nervous system) that affects the overall body. That would explain the reason for all the off the wall symptoms which seem unrelated (sleep issues, sensitivity to light, sound and smell, cold sores, stomach ailments, etc., etc. and etc.) I get a sinus infection every spring and every fall. When I see a doctor for this, I get a round of antibiotics. I will feel much better overall after taking a round rather just my sinuses clearing which was the prevalent symptom. I mentioned this to my rheurmatologist once and he told me that was not possible. I never mentioned it again to him but I knew what I felt. I always have inflammation/soreness in my hips and lower spine and this is where I feel the greatest relief from this type med. I am encouraged to hear this reporting.
Andrea says
Very interesting. I’m going to really pay attention with my next round of antibiotics which is this morning.
It is a very strong one for pneumonia.
I too have injured cervical, lumbar, and Rt SI Joint, and knees from major accidents. I hope I get the same results. Thank you for sharing.
Chuck says
A lot of information there, especially in the following comments which cover years.
My FM symptoms started after neck surgery, and I had originally thought that I had damage done to my Vagus nerve then. Unfortunately, there still doesn’t seem to be much of a straight forward test or treatment for specific Vagus nerve disorders. More research is needed.
Like some others who responded to the article, I have had the best results following treatment for Lyme parasites. Elusive little buggers with very expensive antibiotics to deal with them, I am starting to understand why most doctors and my insurance don’t want to get involved in such a diagnosis. At first it didn’t make sense why my symptoms started when I was least likely to have had an exposure (tick bite), but then I learned about how steroids suppress the immune system and can allow existing parasites to flourish. I had a lot of steroid treatments leading up to and following my surgery. Oral Predizone for immflamation, and Cortizone injections for specific joint pain in my neck, shoulder, and knees. If there is any one thing I would do differently following surgery now, that would be to minimize steroid use.
I am just starting my antibiotic treatments for parasites and already feeling better. I hope to report back with continuing improvements.
Thanks Julie for all the information. I always find your blog posts interesting and helpful!
Andrea says
Thank you for sharing your history following neck surgery. My PCP, despite massive amounts of inflammation following numerous major falls to Not incorporate chronic steroid prescriptions. So, I followed his advice. Glad I did for several reasons. One is lifetime horrible metabolism.
I have had a few steroid injections in my lower spine and rt SI Joint.
Then, I discovered and did a massive research on LDN. Glad I did. It is helping with many FM & CFS symptoms.