I do know, looking back, that I have probably had Fibromyalgia since childhood. I was having migraines, a common symptom, since I was about 7 years old; I also had leg cramps that were horrendously painful all throughout my middle school and high school years. They were so painful that when I would march in our high school band I often had to drop out of formation for periods of time until the cramps subsided and had to be pulled out of parade formation and into a following vehicle when I could no longer march. I always tried to stay in formation, but when parents saw me at attention and tears were pouring down my face, they pulled me out. It was humiliating to me as a teenager, to say the least.
The best advice I ever received was to pace, pace, pace and stretch, stretch, stretch!! Those are the fundamentals of having this disorder. If you don’t follow them, everything becomes more difficult no matter what medications you might be on to control pain and other symptoms. You end up sabotaging yourself if you don’t pace and stretch. Pain becomes way too difficult to control.
I am quite fortunate because I was able to get into a local support group, where I met Julie and our fearless leader, Dawn Pulliam, so I was able to get very good advice from the beginning. I was also sent to Huntsville Land and Pool with Ande Bauman, who has a program specializing in Fibro patients, as well as being sent to Rheumatology Associates and getting in with Tim Byrum right away, and he is the best at treating and managing fibro medications. I really can’t even think of any really bad advice I ever received. Even my family tried to learn right away what fibro is and how it is treated and managed. I have had such a great team around me from the beginning that I have absolutely no complaints there.
If you are a Fibro Warrior, I would love to share your story. If you would like to share your story, please email me (Julie)
Vicky Jackson says
Lisa, thank you for sharing your story…You have definitely been through a lot; a true Fibro Warrior!