I’ve been dealing with a nasty cluster headache this week. When the pain is bad all I can do is move around to try to distract myself from it. When the pain passes I’m typically just wiped out and feel pretty much like I’m dealing with Fibro. This week has been pretty much like dealing with Fibro. We had plans for the weekend and then had to throw them out the window when I woke up day after day still feeling like I’d been beaten and left for dead.
The good news is that in the midst of this I managed to clean out the fridge. Not that there was much to really clean OUT, so much as I needed to get it a little more organized. Keeping so many fruit and veggies in the fridge can make it hard to know what’s in there. A couple of weeks ago, I went to see Dixie’s Tupperware Party (again) and bought these great Fridge Smart containers. So I was able to stop stuffing all my greens in the veggie drawer and hoping they didn’t wilt before I used them. In the process, I realized that I had a pack of bell peppers that were on the last stages of life. I’m sure I bought them with the intent to juice them. So, this morning I decided to do just that. I started out by pulling out my copy of Complete Book of Juicing, and worked from there. If there’s one thing anyone who knows me knows, it’s that I can’t follow a recipe. I will pretty much always alter it in some way. I get this from my mom (so I’ve been told). Here’s what I came up with…
Sweet Pepper Juice
1 Orange
5 Carrots
1 Red Pepper
1 small beet

Green & Pepper Juice
6 Carrots
1 Yellow Pepper
3 Kale Leaves (or mixture of Kale & Chard)
1 piece of Ginger (about thumb size)
1 Apple
Kate D says
I suffer from Cluster headaches (over 20yrs) and Fibro. Honestly the best thing I ever did was throw the drugs away and get an oxygen tank set up by the bed. (I get mostly night time hits.) I can usually get rid of a ch hit in about 10mins if I get on the 02 as soon as I wake – or during the day at the very first sign of a hit. Please do try it, it totally changed my life. BTW you need to use at least 15 lts per minute to get proper effect through a mouth mask and not nasal canal. I wish you all the best.
Julie says
Thanks Kate. I’ve considered the oxygen route. I don’t know if that amount is more or less than what they give you in the hospital. I was in the Er for something (during a ch) and they had me on oxygen. It didn’t help, which was why I never pursued trying it at home.